she wasnt potty trained, she wasnt speaking in sentences, she wasnt reading, writing, doing math, playing tuba in music, playing soccer with friends at recess, buying her own lunch and putting in her own lunch code, singing whole entire spongebob theatrical score’s at the top of her lungs on the arm of the couch, slamming […]
Author Archives: Tara
it was like pulling teeth but i did it
i dont know what is up with me lately (and by lately i mean the last two years…) but i have the hardest time squeaking out a page. ive definitely lost the mojo and im not sure it will ever come back. it frustrates me and makes me feel horrible. i used to LOVE scrapbooking. […]
those paper bag boys
belong to krista baugham of krista baugham photography. we met up on camano island along with her parents for the session. love these of the boys with dad. down at the beach youngest set of twins snuggling with mom and the older set and that wraps up my seattle sessions!