anna is standing over my shoulder saying, “mom, your time is up.”

so i have to make this fast apparently. i just want to say thank you for all the incredibly kind and supportive and like-minded comments and emails. seriously, this is why i blog! dont you agree that we can feel so alone and so different and so isolated as women and mothers? and the internet […]


almost through with the utah photos-here are some i took of jefra just before the sun went down. her work is so inspiring. i love how she pushes and changes. always trying something fresh. there’s a teeny baby percolating in there…. not sure what happened there with my watermark! (isnt she adorable in that hat)?

not quite sure what kind of fun-house mirror, camera magic they have but…

im not going to ask any questions! i am just so happy to have some new images of me that i actually LIKE. note from tara: gaining weight sucks, and i have been for two years-steadily going up in numbers. its frustrating because some of it is out of my control. (medication that plops on […]