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  1. I am so sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well. I have recently started reading your blog, and I am looking forward to seeing more pics from you trip. Your family and your photography are beautiful!

  2. darn those headaches. can’t wait to see your photos from utah. also, thanks a bunch for getting me started on OPAM – my downstairs closet is almost done and it makes me so happy – i have been leaving the door open just so i can look inside the closet every time i walk by. you were the kick in the butt that i needed.

  3. Ug… migraines– those are the WORST! Hope you are feeling better soon. I too love your posts and agree that you, your family and your photography are both beautiful and inspiring.

  4. If you aren’t on prescription migraine medicine try this instead: Take Excedrine Migraine and wash it down by slowly guzzling a crisp, cold, icy Coke. All that caffeine will open up those tight blood vessels …then go lay down in a dark room and crank the AC down until it’s really cool and cover up with a cozy blanket. I used to get migraines—they bite. I hope you are feeling better very soon!

  5. oh man tara, get better!
    my friend gets those and she is down for days!
    i can’t imagine. i rarely EVER even get a regular headache>!
    i feel so sorry for yoU>

  6. Sorry to hear about your migraines Tara. I used to get them something awful 4 or 5 times a month, but now I take a high blood pressure med to control them. Hardly get them anymore.

  7. Okay, you probably don’t need any advice, but if you don’t have a good prescription medication for your migraines, I would strongly recommend asking your doc about Maxalt-MLT. I know different things work for different people, but that stuff was practically life-changing for me, it rocks.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon!!

  8. Hi Tara–Love your site and all of your work. I’m so sorry about your headaches. I get migraines all the time. I am a devoted prescription Imitrex tablet and nasal spray fan–works like a charm within 20 minutes for me! Hope you feel 100% real soon!
    Kelly :-)

  9. ouch! You don’t know me, I love your blog for the fab inspiration but rarely comment because, well, you don’t know me! But just wanted to leave a message to say get well soon! I feel your pain. When I was younger I had terrible migraines that would make me sick over and over. A few times I was hospitalized because I couldn’t stop being sick! Chill out big time, total rest, listen to your body and what it does or doesnt want to eat and keep cool. It will be no comfort whilst you are feeling your worst but it will pass. Pamper yourself!

  10. thank you for all the love guys…
    about the migraines-i can usually get them under control with imitrex nasal spray (20 mg). however the friday migraine was such a doozy i had two sprays, and excedrin, and advil, and it still kind of lasted until saturday night.

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