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  1. Oh what wonderful shots. I’ve just found myself going back over older postings with a wistful smile on my face – first time visitor – I just love your warm, colorful home, it reminds me so much of mine (my friend calls my house “cluttered”, I call it “artistic, colorful, and lived-in”!)
    :) T

  2. tara – these images are great…beautiful location!!! droolin’ over here as I’m in upstate NY!! and yes it was snowing today!

    by the way we have a mutual friend…Thea Coughlin… she’s great isn’t she?

    anyways — love the shot of the daughter ; hair flying on the beach…incredible!

  3. These are great, I love them all. The ones on the beach are wonderful ( specially since we don’t have a beach around here) and the one in the tunnel, did you use a trypod?
    And I just LURVE your kitchen!!!!


  4. Okay, So I am coming out of the blog-stalker woodwork to comment on this post today. I check your blog often but these pictures really moved me…I love them. They made me miss my southern California home really bad. I love the lighting, the family is adorable…and your shots are so creative and really capture the mood.

  5. Boy, if that isn’t a banner ad for why we should be taking pictures all the time–I can’t believe it is even the same family! They all look so very different.

    So often as I’m talking to people about family pictures (or just pictures in general) I’m shocked at how rarely folks have pictures taken (or take pictures themselves.) But it can all get away from you so fast.

    Beautiful pictures, as always Tara. One day . . .

  6. Hey Tara,
    Was checking your blog and there are our pictures! Its so funny that as good as these look, there are so many more I have at home that are just as (or even more) awesome! I have gotten a zillion compliments on the race medals photo and “respect your mother” especially. Amazing to see last year’s photos and how different we look in just 12 months time. How on earth will I find a location for next year that compares to the past 2? I’m starting to scout now…
    xoxo, torrey

  7. Tara
    You know Crystal Cove is my secret Haven. (turning not so secret anymore….)It is where I had hopes of doing our family shoot???? Absolutly wonderful time there last April in Longboard cabin on top of cliff. The pictures are awesome. I KNEW the tunnel would be a photo dream….I was right!!So……..glad my daughter is a photographer!!! Hopefully getting the whole family together soon would be the best Moms day Birthday,ect gift I could ever have hint hint???

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