the one that fits my hand the bestest

this morning i took my photo for the challenge on the overlooked blog. oh, here is the flickr group too.

the idea behind this challenge blog is to photograph, jot down, and possibly journal/scrapbook the little big things in our lives. right up my alley. the first challenge was your favorite coffee mug. i dont drink coffee very often, so mine is my hot tea with milk and sugar mug.


and while i was in my kitchen this morning, i finally took photos of my kitchen cabinets with the new black paint and chalkboard paint insets. a few of you have commented/emailed that you’d love to see the results. here is a before photo:

(this is all i could find, a photo that is almost a year old-look at my four year old girl! she has changed so much this year. you can see the cabinets used to be typical oak.)


and what they are now:



to be honest, it was a fight to get this done. jeff did not want chalkboard at all. but i think he now secretly loves them. our friends and family leave us notes, (see j. lewis and associates? that is our friend who has his own law firm in riverside-he wanted some free advertising) the kids love to climb up and draw things, and they are AWESOME for me to jot something down so i dont forget. plus, they make the austere blackness of them a bit more playful and not so formal. i highly recommend. unless you are a neat freak. the chalk dust will settle on your countertops.

on another note, i was window shopping online last night and i stopped in at pottery barn. they have a new thing “whats your style” and one of the ones listed was “urban nest”. i LOVE that. here is the description: “a little modern. a lot of warmth. and enough personal detail to make you feel at home.” that is totally what my home is to me. what my style is. im kind of on a home kick right now actually……

so if you come over, you will be expected to get some chalk on your hands. please leave your mark.

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  1. Love that! We were planning to redo our cabinets black already. Maybe I can sneak some chalkboard paint on there! My hubby doesn’t like sidewalk chalk or anything like that…think he’d go for it??? Are they easy to clean??

  2. my local cafe gave me a briliant tip – use flat coke to clean down chalk boards. it REALLY cleans them up.. and leaves with without the chalky swirls

  3. For those that don’t want to paint, there are removable chalkboard panels (I prefer the black, then school green) here:

    I painted a 4’x4′ Masonite panel and hung it up on our back porch:

    I found lots of cool chalkboard ideas doing a flickr search:

  4. Way too fun!! I once saw a fridge all done in chalkboard paint (just think, smudgy fingerprints would look good on it!) and eventually I want to do that too! Unless I decide on fire engine red, like the rest of the accents in our kitchen. I saw on “Design on a Dime” that you can convert pretty much any fridge at home (except stainless, unfortunately) by sanding it down and then using special spray paint for appliances. One day, I swear! :)

  5. cathy-yes and no. :)
    we hired a painter to paint the cabinets and take the doors off, etc. it is definitely a job i COULD have done on my own, but i didnt have the time or patience to complete it. he used oil based paint and a brush.
    then i painted the fronts with the chalkboard paint after he was done.

  6. Love your cabinets, Tara! In our other house my daughter had one wall painted with chalkboard paint. Her friends would love to come over and write notes, draw things, and play games. I used to take pics of it all the time because some of the art work was amazing! Unfortunately those photos were in an album that was destroyed by water, but we still remember all the fun the kids had drawing all over that wall. Thanks for sharing yours.

  7. i’m going to be one of the few to comment on the mug, because i have that very mug!! i have the light blue version too. i gave them to my close friend as well. i love them for the same reason as you…fits the hand well and holds a lot of stuff.


  8. LOVE the kitchen cabinet idea. We did our downstairs bathroom walls with ‘chalkboard’ paint (I just used flat black paint…much cheaper and works just as well). It’s always fun reading the messages after a party. LOL!!!! ~

  9. after your post when you first said you were going to this i told my hubby about it and he said let’s do it! so we did all of our cupboards in the chalkboard paint too.
    and we LOVE it. and sage thinks it’s the best thing ever. so thanks for the idea! :)

  10. hey- I have a huge chalkboard in our kitchen as well and the dust did get to me after a while so I did a hunt for the vibrant chalk colors restaurants use and found them at we use these markers for schedules and anything we write that we don’t change very often- and we use regular chalk for things like the grocery list and quick notes. Half the dust- twice the color! hope you enjoy.

  11. Your kitchen rocks! It’s funky and fresh and fun! I love it! My best friend used to keep a poloroid on top of her frig and anytime someone new would come to their house their picture got taken. They’d have to sign it and then their picture was put on her frig. She just moved to a new house and before she did the whole frig was covered. So cool! She’s starting fresh at the new house.

  12. Love the cabinets!! I would go crazy trying to keep them clean, a little OCD I know… I think I will find something to paint the chalkboard paint on. I’ve been told I can do a magnet paint first then the chalkboard over it and have two-in-one, our fridge is stainless so nothing sticks.

  13. I am delurking (although I may have once before) to say I love this idea. I’m wondering if you changed your blind to match the new cabinets…and if so..what color?

    I once saw your son’s room with all the photo frames lined up like a chair rail. I’ve been secretly obsessed with that idea ever since.

  14. love them too! So fun! I was also very curious if you knew the color of paint on your walls? We are in the process of picking out paint (which we have a hard time doing!!) and are loving your color! have a blessed day!

  15. I look at your blog everyday and LOVE it but almost never post. I just had to tell you that I have the same mug and it is my daily little big thing and it fits my hand and my moods perfectly! Last night my hubby offered it to a guest I was VERY jealous that she was using MY mug!


  16. I LOVE those cupboards!! THEY ROCK!! I need them!! Mostly for leaving reminder notes for my dear sweet hubby!! I think we should invest in that!!! That is SUCH a cool idea!!!

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