anna[isms] from hawaii

you cant have just one

anna: heather, can i have some more freckles?
heather: freckles? what?
anna: um, those (pointing to the table with misc food)
me: oh, do you mean RUFFLES?
anna: yes, ruffles

on heather’s homemade salsa that we LOVE

anna: i LOVE hawaii salsa
(heard at 7am when she was getting the tupperware out of the fridge and we were still asleep-said to herself)

heather are there more i am forgetting?

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  1. Oh–how I already miss Miss Anna and her darling feminine annaisms. Here a few that still make me giggle:

    #1 — Anna became quite enchanted with our little dog.

    Anna: Oh–I really want a puppy.
    Me: I bet your daddy will get you one.
    Anna: Oh he will- he gets me EVERYTHING that I want.
    Me: You lucky girl–how did you get so lucky?
    Anna: I don’t know he just likes to do whatever I tell him.

    As a disclaimer: Anna is certainly not an overly indulged demanding diva. She is actually a very appreciative and amazingly non-demanding kiddo. Not spoiled in the least! –I don’t know how her family does it frankly–if she were mine-I probably would do whatever she tells me to do too–but I would spoil her rotten. Good thing she has amazing parents. Cheers to Tara and Jeff for raising an absolute doll when it could be so easy to raise a diva.

    #2 (Another day) – while petting our dog–she lets out a longing sigh.

    Me: (Thinking she is still pining for a puppy) What’s up girlie? You’re daddy won’t get you a puppy?
    Anna: No-he will. I just wish I was a dog.
    Me: Really. Why?
    Anna: Then I wouldn’t have to wear clothes.

    #3 After laundering Anna’s little lovey or “silkie”.

    Anna: (Buries her head in her silkie- inhales deeply and let’s out a long contented sigh) Ahh! This is the life!

    #4 My favorite Anna memory:

    I went to check the mail. Inside my mail box were several little girlie trinkets. A bracelet, a hair bow and other little treasures – just sitting on top of my mail. Anna had mailed a little package to her friend Ivy earlier in the day. Tara told Anna that they wouldn’t fit in the envelope — Anna decided the mail carrier would be able to deliver the unwrapped goodies to Ivy BECAUSE they wouldn’t fit in an envelope. Too cute!

    Seriously, this darling child melted my heart. I will miss her little dainty dancing jigs throughout my house. I will yearn to see her constant happy smiling face. Her unpretentious feminine confidence is THE epitome of girliehood. Now don’t get me wrong, I adore my darling boys and drew and nate for that matter. But our house full of testosterone sure did enjoy the squeals and delights of feminine charm. And yes, I already made my boys promise me that they would produce me a granddaughter — no matter how long it takes! Right boys?

  2. so sweet Tara. Nice to peek in here, Nick and I enjoyed Turtle Bay last year while we awaited our daughter, and although lovely, I can’t imagine the magic of watching them enjoy it as well thats gotta be awesome!

    So glad you guys rested up

  3. Hey Tara! I love love LOVE the photos you took, the one with Anna in the tree is so pretty of a shot! Glad to see you loved Hawaii! My kiddo and I (along with 18 other family members) went there this past summer for 2 weeks, it was so great….the best part was seeing my mom and Bruce, it had been 3 years. They live there now, did you know that? They left Riverside and moved there about 6 years ago. Loved the pics, love the anna-isms, haha, too cute…I know that’s one place Ian and I are going back to for sure…well, wait, my mom lives there, I have an EXCUSE to go back again soon! ha!

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