little girls, little girls, everywhere i turn i see them

emily, ivy, and yindi came over yesterday. em needed some new headshots and other photos for a couple of projects she is working on, and we havent really had a chance to hang out like the good old days in a couple of months. we easily fell right back into our normal routine of laying on the couch and complaining about how tired we are while the kids ran amuck. because thats what we do best when we are together. lounge around and complain. oh, and shop and eat. also complain.

once we got through with all that, we went out into my front yard to take those photos she needed and the little girls followed us out. they both recently got the same pair of crocs, but in different colors so they were sharing. friendship crocs.


and this is just how i like little girl hair. long and ratty. if there is a twig stuck in there even better. that means they’ve been playing in trees.


i did not pose them for this, except to ask them to stand in front of me and let me take a photo of their long hair. anna instinctively and protectively put her arm around ivy, and our hearts melted into puddles.

and cant post this without a picture of everyone’s favorite baby at our house, even though no one can say her name right. yinni? windi? HER!


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  1. The shoe shot is a framer!!! I LOVE IT!! I’m thinking it would be totally cool and cute on a little girl’s wall! I love the ratty hair shot too and have to agree with you. You gotta love those little ones being outside running around!

  2. Everyone has got to have a good friend to lay around and complain with! LOL! You know… years from now Anna is really going to appreciate how you captured her love for her best friend. That’s so precious!

    Love that baby tongue! Can’t believe how much she has grown!

    Have a great week!

  3. Gorgeous pics of sweet beautiful girls, thank you – I love to get my granni -fixes from photos – my only way these days – boo hoo !! Happy Birthday Tara – hope you have a WONDERFUL day…and THANK YOU so much for being a wonderful friend to Em & family & for taking them in during this fire crisis….lots of love xxxxxxx

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