unforgettables crop

this is a reminder post for anyone who is interested in attending or donating to “An Unforgettable Crop for Kids” with proceeds going to The Unforgettables Foundation. this foundation is a non-profit organization who helps and supports grieving families after the death of a child.

how am i involved?
anyone can buy a raffle ticket (whether you attend or not) to win a photo shoot with me. you can live anywhere in the united states. the foundation is paying my travel costs to come to you!

Date: January 26, 2008 9:30 a.m. – January 27, 2008 2:00 a.m.
Cost: $100 per scrapbooker + a donation of at least $100 for TUF (prizes for the higest donations will be awarded!) Cost covers 2 meals, t-shirt, goodie bag & more! Lots of opportunity drawings will be held to win retreat weekends with friends – and so much more!
Location: Redlands, California
Contact: Karen Wilson – theunforgettablesfoundation@verizon.net if you would like to register or sponsor our event.
Availability: 200 crop spaces
Fundraising Goal: $50,000

register online here.

more details (registration, etc) here.

some of the other sponsors:

Collective Journey
Edwards Mansion
Me and My Big Ideas
Creative Imaginations
YellowFence.Com (Shannon Beckham)
Memories In Uniform (Amy Alfaro)
Karen Foster Design

Leah Fung
Candice Carpenter
Michelle Hill
Cheryl Waters
Karen Russell
Wendy Reed
Shanna Lamb Vineyard
Laura Bloom
Donna Salazar

if there are photographers out there who also want to help in this cause, you can find some information here about Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.

this is taken from their website:
The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation (NILMDTS) administers a network of nearly 3,000 volunteer professional photographers in the United States and eight International countries. At a family’s request, a NILMDTS Affiliated Photographer will come to your hospital or hospice location and conduct a sensitive and private portrait session. The portraits are then professionally retouched and presented to the families on an archival DVD or CD that can be used to print portraits of their cherished baby.

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  1. I just wanted to tell you that I’ve been praying for a way to give back, and although I’m NEW to professional photography, I felt like NILMDTS would be an amazing way to help. thank you for posting about it and giving me an incredible answer to prayer. i’m registered, they accepted me and now i guess i’m waiting to be needed (although ultimately you wish you’d never be called). thanks also for the continual inspiration and great ideas to “borrow”! :)


  2. i volunteer as a photographer for NILMDTS, it is an incredible organization. The families that I have worked with were so appreciative. It is time well spent, and as a mother, I am so glad to be able to make a contribution to these families during a very difficult time. I would encourage anyone to help any way that they can, and Tara, how awesome of you to help!!!

  3. Thank you for giving these types of foundations the attention they deserve. I am pregnant with a baby, due Dec. 2nd, that has a fatal kidney disease and without foundations like these, I am not sure that I could get through this very difficult and trying time.

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