home again, home again jiggity jig

i look forward to our mexico trip all year. we stay just south of rosarito and just north of puerto nuevo in a gated community called las gaviotas.

i love that it is close to home, but an entirely different place to visit. i love that we can drive and stay for a week and feed our family of six and do the mexico thing for less than what we would pay for six tickets to fly somewhere else.

just love it.

stuff i want to remember:

sitting in the mornings on the balcony with all the kids, reading and lazing in the sun

watching jeff give some local kids boogie board lessons

hanging for the day with the mcgarveys, beach, pool, lobster, shopping, and talking until midnight

fish tacos everyday-best place is macho taco in rosarito

the light, living in the perfect light reflected directly from the ocean

buying handmade and supporting the local women

tequila shots at 3 in the afternoon

drew asking for $5 out of his spending money to give to an old senora

the way the kids say gracias “grass-see-us”

the.best.guacamole.ever. (note to self, put onion in your guac from now on)

anna and mckenna got more brave in the ocean-going out far with daddy and drew

watching the relationship between father and son grow to another level together for hours out in the ocean

the master bedroom of the house we rent – the view

getting jacked on the drive home-the cops not letting us get in the line to cross the border we usually use, getting lost in tijuana, and after two hours of blood boiling pressure finally getting across and back on CA soil.



mexican jumping beans



matt & lisa













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  1. Looks like you had much-needed family time. Everytime I see photos of your family, your closeness just oozes.

    And I agree…HOT photo of that hubby of yours!!

  2. Beautiful pics as always! What a fun family trip!

    Looks like a GREAT time!!! I love the blue stuffed kitty!

    Tag- you’re it- blog game posted on my blog. You are a photographer that I admire and I do not KNOW very many photographers- SO- I tag you. Sorry. :O)

  3. thanks for sharing where you little vacay spot is in Mexico. i wanted to ask you about that too…

    do you rent? own? borrow a timeshare? cuz I would love to check it out too. and is it ‘scary’ to drive through Mexico too? you always hear stories about stuff like that…

    thanks for sharing Tara!!! (did i already say that?)

  4. We go once or twice a year to Gav and it is my most favorite time and place ever, so many good memories. It is a little treasure for us So Ca families. We just were there three weeks ago and had the exact same thing happen to us at the border and it was an aweful way to end the trip. I don’t know why they are doing that, it took forever to get home and we were so grateful to be in the states after the craziness of TJ..We are interested in trying a different house, would you recommend yours? thanks!

  5. i LOVE Mexico. love the oh so killer handmade tortillas, the salsa and guac.

    and i’m with you: shooters @ 3pm RAWK!!

    your photos are amazing as always, and i have to agree – the last photo of Jeff is amazing – and he’s dang cute, to boot!

  6. These are some of my favorite pictures of yours! Anna and your husband look so much alike in that one shot!

    I have such good memories of family trips in Mexico when I was a kid and still head down here and there. I miss being close while in San Diego- you are motivating me to plan a trip!

  7. Tara~
    My husband and I were JUST in TJ a few weeks ago and the cops made us get out of line and we got lost for at least 2 hours! It took us FOUR hours to get home once we were in the border crossing line!!! Its frustrating, huh? And, since we’re new to San Diego, SCARY because we don’t speak much Spanish yet!! ;-) We’re safe at home now…

  8. love all of these, the kids looked liked they had alot of fun…you and anna..precious..kenna in the chair(she looks so pretty)..and jeff well..you know..wow..

  9. oh t, what a nice read this morning. you made me think/wish i was on vaca with you. all i could think about was how cool it would have been to hang with roger clyne as the tip of the iceberg to top off this trip. one more margarita senorita – can you see roger pouring us that drink – hee, hee. LOVE the photos! hugs, rach

  10. ooooo girl. your honey is a hottie. great pics. do you chop the onion or juice it? i’m always looking for yummy guac recipes. looks like a totally cool place to visit. i’m glad you had a good time.

  11. The way your kids say gracias made me think of my husbands little adult spin on the word and I knew you would get a kick out of it……….grassy-ass. LOL

  12. Rosarito area is our new fav too! We had an adult weekend there with 3 other couples and it was great! I LOVE the imperfection that is Mexico – the hotel bathroom towel bar holes filled very sloppily so they could move the towel bar somewhere else…that kind of stuff! Love the culture. Need to get back there for a visit! Question: on the pic of you and your daughter where you’re holding the camera, what lens did you use? I pretty much keep my 1.8 on all the time, but there’s no way I can get my arm far away enough for shots like that…unless you know of some magic!

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