barns. they just seem to find me.

driving to my next house in minnesota i passed a barn on the side of the highway. i dont remember what highway it was or the exit now, but when i saw it i did that happy wave my hands in front of my face deep breathing thing i do when i get really excited.

so after we took some shots at home



we went over to the barn.




i think momma chose this shirt just for me.

we then walked around downtown anoka



today i am posting from my kitchen table. the loft is in full swing. it is framed, drywalled, and taped. today they are sanding (the messiest day of the whole process) the drywall to get ready to texture it, and then paint. lucky for me my imac transports easily.


the doors are off my kitchen cabinets and the kitchen is a mess because we are having the cabinets repainted. no more 1990’s oak cabinets. we are doing them black, with some of the cabinet faces painted with black chalkboard paint so we can write notes to each other.

until tomorrow……..
peace out.

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  1. holy freaking crap.
    i got totally excited seeing that barn, too! travelling for my company last year in PA i found one, too and everyone on the highway that day thought i was flipped out i’m sure, pulling across traffic so i could TAKE A FREAKING PICTURE!!! so cool….

  2. Hi Tara

    I just became introduced to your wonderful photography last week. I’m a photographer in Canada and I’ve looked at your website and really like the design. Can I ask you who created your website?


  3. Love the pics at the barn. We have one on our property and that is where I had my bridal shots done. I chose the spot beforehand and then the photographer said ‘I saw that barn driving up to the house and we HAVE to take some pics there!’Yes!!! Great!! They turned out awesome!!

  4. Oh man you do it each and everytime I come visit with you!

    Loving those barn shots! I am so never gonna look at a falling down old barn the same way ever again!

    Now if only I could get my husband interested in getting some us photos!!!! Oh I so want a shot like #4!!!!! Stunningly sexy hot!

  5. I recognize the area where you photographed in Anoka but cannot place the barn. We’ve moved from Coon Rapids (which I am sure you drove through/or by to get to Anoka)to 20 miles north where there are a plethora of barns and old buildings to choose from. Itching to get my boys out there for pics but the weather has not been cooperating. Great shots of the family! Your creativity always spurs me on!

  6. Tara, you never cease to amaze me. I am totally kicking myself that I did not book you when you were here in Minnesota…LOVE the pictures with the barn. I might need to drive around in the Anoka area to find this barn. Haha

    You got talent, girl!

  7. your are so amazing and creative, i have a question, when you spot a barn, do you ask for permission or just hope noone spots you, do you present a business card or something to the property owners, just dying to know, as always thanks for keeping it fresh

  8. love those pics, Tara, especially the one of the girl in front of the barn w/ the flowers in the foreground. and your kitchen cabinets sound way cool! :-)

  9. please post a picture of your cupboards when you get them done. i have been wanting to paint mine black but don’t quite have the balls to do it. i have the same yucky oak cabinets but i just can’t work up the nerve….i did paint the one in my powder room black though…i love it but i want to look at yours and see how much i will love it in my kitchen…:}


  10. Look at you – you even found a website for Anoka! You clever girl…! :-) Thanks so much for photographing our family – we’ll treasure the photos forever!

    As a side note about the barn, I was ticked cuz around the 4th, some kids broke out some of the windows – so now it doesn’t look as cool…grr! Dang kids! And now I’ve taken several clients out there too…here we’d passed that barn 1000 times and never looked at it twice. That’s why it’s always nice to have a different perspective on things. ;-)

    Thanks again! Oh and good luck with your remodel!

  11. oh man those photos are AWESOME. Love love love the one with the couple leaning against the barn. The look on the mommma’s face is AWESOME. Love the lighting you caught in the full family walking one too! Rocking as usual! Enjoy all that craziness with the loft renos!

  12. Chalkboard paint is the coolest. I got this great idea from “Design on a Dime” to sand down my fridge, use special spray paint to get it red, and then add a swipe of chalkboard paint for notes. :)

    Great photos! Old barns are so gorgeous, I wish we had more of them around SoCal.

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