her birthday

on kenna’s 11th birthday we had a big dinner with our families but first we took her around town shopping at her favorite stores. she wanted to go to target, micheals, party america, and toys r us. we narrowed it down to two places.

party america


and toys r us

i LOVE this shot and the one of kenna looking at the candy. so fun.

self portrait in the parking lot! everybody squeeze in!


it was such a fun afternoon tooling around town with the kids, snapping pics wherever we were. slowing down and letting them lead the way, instead of me rushing them through to get to the next thing on my list. i thought it was fun to mix up the birthday present thing and just let her go and buy whatever she wanted (to a point! or else i would have a house full of blues clues balloons and pizza gummy candy still)

and just imagine how stoked you’d be as a kid if your mom said “okay-where do you want to go shopping for your birthday??”

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  1. I love your blog, Tara… but I just wanted to wish Kenna a very very Happy Birthday! (It’s my birthday too, today!) I love your photos of the day, and I would have loved to go pick out balloons and candy today instead of working. (Wink.) So much fun. Love how you captured it. Thanks so mcuh for all the inspo all the time.

  2. ohhhh Tara you are the best you are awesome! I love these pics I love the dark around the edges is that something that you photoshop? I’ve been noticing that a lot in your latest photos! Love it, Love you!

  3. Oh Tara you are the best, you are awesome & so are these photos. Love the dark around the edges I’ve been seeing that a lot lately in your photos. Is that something done in photoshop? You are such great inspiration you are at the top of my favorites list and my day just isn’t complete unless I visit your blog (seriously)!

  4. You are such a great Mom! I would love a birthday like that. Kenna was queen for the day. Best wishes to her on her special day.You inspire me to have fun and enjoy each day. Thanks!

  5. You are the best Mom ever!!!! My Mom isn’t half as cool as you and I love her so much….can’t imagine how much your kids will look back at this and just for a minute….think of how cool you are in their eyes…..

    Way cool.

  6. Happy (belated) Birthday McKenna!!

    What a fun day…my kids LOVE Birthday’s like that. The excitement of picking out what they want. The pictures are great…I too love the one of Kenna in front of the candy with the blue’s clue’s balloon-classic Ü So sweet.

  7. sounds like an absolute blast! so on your friends birthdays we would do the same right? lol love kenna in party store. and self portraits…..yummmm. who gets self portraits that good? certainly NOT me. someone’s head is always cut off or something is not right. happy b-day kenners.

  8. love it!!!
    you brought back good memories for me this morning. My dad used to take the birthday kid to toyr r us also to pick our gift. I still feel the giddyness of it all. Thanks!

  9. We happened to go to Party America on Chloe’s birthday too! A kids dream! I love every one of these shots, they are so you, real life. I love your hair by the way, and the purple polka dot! Tell Miss M Happy Birthday and giver a big “lean” for me. :)

  10. I really have missed this side of you. Seeing your family, the laid back, crazy stuff you all do. It blows me away and touches me beyond belief. I LOVE your blog and cannot thank you enough for sharing with us all.

    PS> I love your purple polka dot shirt where did you get it?

  11. Okay, you are one of the coolest moms eva! Love the group portrait in the parking lot… I’m sure your kids will grow up appreciating what a fun childhood they had b/c of you! ;)

  12. AWW Happy Birthday!!!!! You are my photo idol, have I ever told you? LOL What a great and fun idea that I think I’ll steal when my kiddies are older!!! fabulously fun day!

  13. HAPPY Birthday McKenna!!!

    I still remember my grandma taking us to a HUGE toy store and saying.. choose anything. (my Mum applied the limits..LOL) I can vividly remember it.. and yep. IT WAS GOOD. particularly given we got a toy for christmas and one for our birthday (both in December. It is a long wait to get 2 toys). LOL

    My son (3) and I go shopping together alot. Sometimes we have jobs, but I try not to always have them. I pick a store. He picks one. I give him the same courtesy I would show a girlfriend when shopping. Works a treat!

  14. Tara, I can just feel the ‘fun’ here. What a great idea and awesome birthday present and day you have given your daughter..Great fun and family time..and love the parking lot photos, an awesome way to include yourself in there…

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