our drewey.

has mastered the music book and thinks his chances of getting a spot (one of only four) to play in the concert are pretty high. he has gotten really good, really fast. much better than i was playing the flute in fourth grade. how crazy is it that i remember it so vividly, remember hating practicing for thirty minutes everyday. remember cheating and not learning the notes, writing the letters above them. remember thinking i should have chosen the drums. i wanted to learn the drums so bad. but we didnt have enough money to buy them-you couldnt rent drums for some reason. so i had to rent a flute. me, with a flute. just weird!

but drew with a violin just isnt weird at all.

he is such a sweet young man. he really is a young man now. my drewey. little lanky, freckley, glasses slipping down his nose drewey.

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  1. He is such a great looking kid!!!

    I wanted to play the drums when I was in 4th grade! :O) But i just ended up playing the piano! Then in 11th grade I took up guitar class because the teacher was HOT! I really did not learn a thing in that class.:O)

  2. Music is such a wonderful art for our kids to get into.. My oldest wants to play the piano.. Don’t think you can rent them either.. So I will have to save the pennies.. Good luck to Drew.. Hope he makes it.

  3. tara, i played the flute too! it is weird to look back and remember that isn’t it?

    the violin looks like a perfect fit for your sweet drew. what a handsome, handsome young man! he really favors you, don’t you think?


  4. Tara…

    Those pictures are stunning. I mean, take your breath away stunning.

    I played the flute as well, and gave it up very quickly. I just didn’t have what it took to keep it up.

    My daughter, on the other hand, started playing the clarinet in 4th grade and hasn’t put it down since. She is half way through 5th grade, and is now taking private lessons on top of what she is doing with her school band. She loves playing, and she is a genius at it. She memorizes songs so quickly, and plays them so well. Her private lesson teacher has told us our daughter is a “spit fire” and she thinks she is will be one of the youngest kids to try out for the district band.

    Isn’t it wonderful when your child just connects with something, and it makes them happy? My daughter lights up when she plays a solo in her band concerts, and to me, that is worth it’s weight in gold.

    Sorry so long…but I think you know how I feel. :)

  5. He’s gonna be SUCH the heartbreaker Tara. I hope he sticks with it. You’re right…it seems to suit him just looking at him holding it. How cool would that be for him to be a classical musician. My five year old wants to learn to play the violin. I’ve been looking for Suzuki classes for her but haven’t had any luck locally yet.

  6. FOr me, it was the dreaded piano.. my brother would yell from his room, “I know she has to play, but does she have to SING TOO!?” HA! Drew really looks like Momma, that’s wonderful!

  7. I thought I was the only one who went thru the music and wrote down what each note was…I had to say it every time too…EVERY GOOD BOY DOES FINE…OR FACE…I could never look at a note and know what it was…I am always impressed by musicians who KNOW that other language! Wonderful shots. I am anxious to see more from your first photo shoot…you always inspire me!

  8. In grade school, I really REALLY wanted to play the sax. But we didn’t have enough money to rent one and the school district only had 3 to loan out. My mom had an old flute, so I had to play that instead. Eventually, part of the padding came off the keys, so my uncle found another broken flute at a yardsale and we pieced the two together. I played that frankenstein instrument throught junior high… {sigh}

  9. my mom forced me to play the piano from 4 years old – 10 years old. I hated it. I had lessons twice a week and my mom even bought a piano. I’m 31 years old and I so regret not sticking to it. My son is 7 and plays the piano and loves it. I hope he sticks to it.

  10. AWEsome buddy!!! Our school offers orchestra in 5th grade and Gabby is already hitting me up for violin or viola!! How exciting to see this talent come through!!

  11. oH Tara ,
    he is so gorgeous ! i hope he gets in to play at the concert, i will keep my fingers and toes cross !
    My daughter plays the violin since she was 7, and she is now 13, she plays beautifully and teaches to 2 little one. my son is just starting this year, he is nearly 8, But he really wants to play the DRUM !!!
    just stunning photos
    take care

  12. Tara,
    I just wanted to say that your photographs are truly amazing…this blog really caught my eye when i saw the name “Drewey”. My 2- year-old son is named Drew and we call him “Drewey”. So sweet :) I recently started my own photograhpy business here in the Houston, TX area and love to look at your site…it is so inspiring.

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