monday at CHA

going to CHA is like going to an organized school sporting event or something-where you get to see the same people over and over-people that you know and like. and its SO good to see people, quickly catch up, give a hug…and its also been really cool for me, because ive never really done the trade show thing, to meet people i have “known” of but never met face to face.

here are some of my faves from the show yesterday-

sweet sweet elsie and her booth. it was SO friggin adorable i cant even stand it.






finally met heidi swapp-and love her new stuff! AAAAh-im dying over the new typography stamps-check these out!


and cool big photo corners-also a polka dot mask…sigh…..polka dotssssss………


fontwerks: omg, DYING DYING over the new rubons, and wait until you try them-they go on like.butter. seriously, the best easiest rub on ive ever tried. and i love the graphic-ness of them.

and tags…omg…i can never have enough tags and im so excited to get these!

adorable kah-mei. she is such a lovely, giving person. LOVE her.

bathroom break!

new 7gypsies stamps

scenic route circles-love their stuff!

my minds eye new goodies-embossed chipboard letters.


hambly, hambly, hambly!!!



5th birthday party for simple scrapbooks. party in the booth.

angie lucas…loved meeting her!!!


this was so sweet-stacy julian and lin sorenson cutting the cake. aaaaw


stacy was overcome. i love the sap that oozes from her. i love a girl who isnt afraid to cry in public.

my mom is on her way down to help with my kids today and cathy and i have one more day to walk around. im hoping to see more stuff today. yesterday went by WAY too fast.

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  1. WOW WOW WOW Tara!!!! I always love your blog entries, but this is one of my favorites :D

    Isn’t Elsie’s booth the CUTEST!!!! OMG I need her stuff now :D I want that kitchen set too :D

    Love Stacy Julian…what a doll!!!!

    Hope you and CathyZ have another great day today!!! Have lots of fun ~ anxious for your next round of fabulous photos :D

  2. Tara,

    Thanks for the “tour” at CHA, loved all the stuff you showed. My good friend just bought a great Stamp-Store in No. Calif. (she’s been there for years and the previous owner retired, so she bought the store) anyway, you guys sound so much alike when you are describing things – I bet you guys would get along great…..she’s so crazy – in a good way of course! Maybe when you are in the area you could stop by the store and meet her…store name is Stamper’s Warehouse, her name is Terrece. Thanks again for the “tour.”

  3. Oh my I am so excited about EVERY photo you have posted here from CHA!!! I will need a little bit of everything- dang- better start saving some $$$!

    Super excited about the Elsie stuff and SUPER SUPER excited for the new Heidi stuff!!!

  4. been checking for CHA updates!
    thanks for showing the goods!
    hope you are scoring alot to scrap some of your kick butt tara w. pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    have FUN!!!!!! and please give becky N. a big hug from me at the AL booth. i miss her!

  5. Tara….I feel so LUCKY to have met you in person finally! After all these years of drooling over your fabulous pictures! You are such an inspiration to me! Your work is AMAZING…like I told you at CHA, you truly capture people’s souls in your pictures. And like Donna would say, YOU ROCK! I love the picture you took of Lainie and me last Monday…I posted a RAK asking readers to guess who took the picture… I feel truly honored you took it! THANKS AGAIN!

  6. It was great to chat with you while I was with Moriah. Your view of CHA is pretty accurate. Love you photos with Miss Cathy. You are both great. Thanks a bunch…….


  7. Tara, you don’t have to post this on your blog. I just didn’t know how else to contact you. Can you tell me what type of lense you had on your camera when you took the shot of you and Cathy Z in the ladies bathroom? It was img_1125copy.jpg.

    I’m new to DSLR photography. I have a Nikon D50 w/ 2 kit lenses and a 50mm prime. I noticed I use the prime more than the kit lenses (zooms). I love the indoor no-flash pictures it produces! However, I feel like I need a wider focal length because of the small spaces in my home.

    It seems to me the pic of you and Cathy in the bathroom was taken pretty close to the mirror, yet there are no visible angle distortions. So I thought I’d ask what type of lens you used.

    Thank you so much for your time! I know you’re a busy woman and I appreciate your reply.

    Lani Rhodes

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