i want to share this with you

my friend sheridan (you have seen her photos here and here) has started a new business.


enjoy birth?? you are asking increduously? yes. she is living proof. after a horrid first birth experience she learned hypnosis techniques to get through her next two labors. she is super woman.

this is an excerpt from her website.

My name is Sheridan Ripley.  I have always loved all things pregnancy, birth and babies.  (I used to ditch high-school, go to the library and read pregnancy books)   I am a DONA trained doula (labor assistant).  I am excited to be a Hypnobabies Instructor.  I am happy to have found something to help me share my passion for childbirth with others! 

I know hypnosis can benefit mom’s during their pregnancy and their birth… as well as after, from personal experience and from hearing others experiences too.  I am a mom to 3 boys!   Devon, my first was a preemie, born by an emergency c-section.  Carson was a VBAC using a different hypnosis method and Bryson was a VBAC using Hypnobabies. (click on their names to read their birth stories) 

I know first hand that it is possible to have a pain free un-medicated birth using Hypnobabies. 

No, I don’t have a high pain tolerance.  No, I am not someone lucky enough to have easy labors.  Once I was a mom yelling at the dad begging for an epidural due to pain during one of my births….

With the right tools, information and practice anyone can benefit from hypnosis for childbirth! 

I completed Doula training through DONA.  It was interesting watching the Natural Childbirth videos.  Then I asked to share  the video of Bryson’s birth.  It was a VERY different feeling, peaceful and calm and enjoyable.  Natural Childbirth does not have to be painful!  What a wonderful revelation.  No drugs for baby and no pain for mommy!

Click here to see a brief clip of my birth video.  (It is G rated)  Here I am having a pressure wave (contraction) at 9cm dilated.  I am holding onto my headphones listening to my Birth Guide CD.  Rob is using the relaxation cue (hand on my shoulder) and saying additional deepening things to me.   I was feeling a lot of pressure, but no pain at all!

if you are pregnant and in the orange county area, or know of someone that is, i highly recommend you check her out.

i am so proud of you sheridan, for going for it and doing something you believe in.

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  1. This is a great idea and service. I wish I had this when I had my son. Too bad my sister is no longer in Orange County, she would have loved this.

  2. I forgot to add how wonderful she is doing this – taking a risk and doing something she clearly believes in. I just might do the same with my life soon – do something I just really believe in.

  3. I used hypnobirthing when preparing for the birth of my child. It was part of my plan for a drug-free labor and birth. All I can say is WOW!!! It really worked. I had a thirty hour labor with a baby who was not positioned properly. When you look at the photos of me in the thick of it all, during the most severe contractions, I am laying there with a peaceful expression on my face. At times my husband thought I was sleeping right through them. I never would have survived without this training. I would recommend it to anyone!!!

  4. can’t get any of the links to work!
    way to go sheridan!
    i had two home births with my girls and i truly believe in (sort of) pain free labor. by just focusing . i had a midwife and a dr…but not the hypnobirthing stuff. but i do believe it would work! way coOL

  5. I also used hypnobirthing techniques….and its a WORLD of difference from my first which was enduced with an epidural!!!! My recovery was spectacular and the birth was very fast! I still use the relaxation tips I learned during that training! oh…and if anyone is considering natural childbirth…I HIGHLY RECOMMEND A DOULA!!!!! THEY ARE FABULOUS AND WELL WORTH EVERY CENT!!!! JUST DO IT< GET A DOULA!!!! I PROMISE YOU WILL LOVE THE information and support all everything else a doula brings to your childbirthing experience!

  6. clearly I need to move to CA. . .here I am sitting in PA with no amazing photogrpher (T) and clearly no one to help me have an easier labor with #2 in October. . .jeeze!!! LOL Sounds like a wonderful journey for Sheridan – all the best to her.

  7. Wow, what a cool biz! Wish I’d known about this technique 17 yeards ago when my youngest was born (or 22 years when my oldest was born)—both home births, drug free, etc, (first was even a breech home birth), but they sure weren’t picnics! I’d have been all over this technique if it had been available—having read everything published about birth at the time, this would have truly been something I would have tried :). I’ll have to keep this in mind when my daughters reach this stage in their lives. Thanks for teaching us about this Tara!

  8. so basically its summer. and besides for just getting off grounding…ill explain later…im bored. so next week someimte if it works out i wanna come stay with you for like 2 days or so. cause on the 9th i go to camp. so yeah, love you and ill just talk to ya later.

  9. My pregnancy yoga instructor used this technique and actually fell asleep during labor–I am not lying! This is what she told us. She fell asleep. I haven’t fallen asleep since I gave birth to my daughter 17 months ago, let alone during labor… ;) I think I’m going to look into this if I’m lucky to ever get PG w/baby #2.

  10. my youngest (and 5th child) was a hypno baby! it truly works. i used the cds and visuals with great success. wish i had known of hypnosis many years ago with child #1!

    great blog, beautiful photos! :-)

  11. Wonderful post!! I FIRMLY and truly believe that pain free labor and BIRTH is more than possible. I experienced it as well in a non-hospital-affiliated birth center just over one year ago. 20 minutes before crowning, I was smiling through contractions, totally relaxed. As he was coming out, I was exclaiming how wonderful this was….. it was unreal! No hyno but just mind over matter. Great info, thank you!!

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