family of four • at home • los angeles family photographer

moving right along, in continuation with my last client session post, here is another family from my day in LA.

they were technically the first family shot that day, i have no idea why i went out of order. this is how my brain works. out of order. like this morning when jeff and i dropped anna off and went to grab a bite to eat. we got there only to realize i had left my purse (and wallet) at home. and in case you need another piece of evidence, anna was also late to school today because the district likes to keep parents on their toes. (early start this week for late start kindergarteners.)

but back to this fun little group…who welcomed me on a beautiful saturday morning into their home. which, as stated before, KNOCKED MY SOCKS OFF. i could easily move right in.

i walked in to mom/daughter decorating the front porch and dad/son watching football. i immediately saw that these parents truly enjoyed spending time with their children. and that these children seriously looked up to their parents. with a naturally happy, relaxed vibe in the home, it was easy as pie for me to photograph their love for each other.

we started in the kids bedrooms-i love to see what they are all about and get them on my side from the beginning. after spending some time getting them warmed up, we went outside to play on the swingset. and then we had a snack.


i shot about a hundred frames of them together on the family bed, there were SO MANY great interactions that i didnt skimp when i created their gallery. too many of these were just too good to toss.


then i told the kids to skee-daddle (does anyone else say that or was it just my mom?) and made sure dad got to enjoy what im sure was his favorite part of the session.


this shot has been posted before, because it is one of my favorite family images EVER taken. (clap clap with glee!) we were about to go outside and play when i happened to glance into the master bathroom. i remember that i ALMOST didnt ask to do this. i was just unsure enough of myself that i almost talked myself out of it. but i asked, “what do you guys think about piling into the bathtub?” and got smiling nods and giggly positive responses. and this, if nothing else, taught me never to doubt my ideas again.


as we headed downstairs we stopped for this. i hear there are three glorious canvases from this session living on the big white wall directly behind them now. we will have to do this shot again! (i LOVE dads shoes, and moms for that matter. check out those cork wedges!)


we ended after a basketball game in the back alley.


wonderful people. who i hope i can hang out with again many times!



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  1. Man your good. I’m speechless…
    I keep saying one of these days… and I mean it! One of these days we will get you to take our family photos! I am sure you and only you will be able to capture us the way we are.

    It would be cool to see how they displayed the images from this session!

  2. Amazing! I really love the first one of the family in the bed, lovely. You are really amazing! I think it would be awesome to shadow you for a day, but unfortunately, even if you do that kind of thing, I live all the way across the country. lol.

    Great job, I’m sure the family LOVES them.

  3. Tara, i love love and adore your photos and wondered if you ever thought of a FAQ section…I’m a mother of 4 too, just trying to learn about how to take better photos of my rugrats and i’m sure there are others like me…i’d love to ask you a whole bunch of questions – not to take your style but just to get more edumacted….if you know what i mean….pretty please???/

  4. It’s fun to see the other images after admiring the piled-into-the-bathtub pic since seeing it on your blog. They are a *lovely* family … and it looks like you captured that love so well. Beautiful shoot!

  5. Tara… your blog and photos, absoulutly beautiful, fresh, and fun!!! I don’t think I’ve made a comment until today when I read you narration of this last shoot….skee-daddle is a daily word in my vocab…from one mom of 3 to another mom of 4!!! Shanna in MN

  6. Tara, I’m new to photography. Totally obsessed with it. I cannot put the camera down. I love your stuff. What lense did you use for this shoot? And what lense did you use for your family shoot with your friends the Falconbridges?

  7. Crazy question but is there any way to find out what paint color is used in the bedroom photos? I absolutely love it as it is the exact color I am trying to find for my bedroom. Love love love your photos!!!

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