morning time at the beach

i have no business looking at these and posting them right now-i have so much to do-but i am feeling frustrated and yucky about my creative mojo and the stuff i am working on. so i wanted to do something that would make me feel happy and good.

took these yesterday. i just love her so much. she is such a little spunkmonkey. i could hardly get her to sit still. but i took my own advice and just let her be. took her for what she was at that moment.




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the party was fabulous. i didnt take as many pictures as i would have liked, but i have a bunch coming from friends. ill post pics soon!

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  1. i love, love, LOVE, these photos of Anna!!!! especially the one with the red chair – you have such a sense of style and …the paint store is loving me!!! ;) now if i can just find me a pier!!

  2. i was going to say that i loved the one where she looks like she’s singing the best, then i was going to say that i loved the last one best with her sweet sandy little feeties, then… well… i couldn’t decide… they’re all so perfectly perfect. :) well done mama.

  3. Oh Miss T, these again are soooo outstanding BEAUTIFUL and natural – that´s just totally YOU and I don´t see anything you need to worry about *sends huggles* I´m keeping my fingers crossed for you to feel better about your mojo soon and looking forward to seeing all the new photos to come :)
    LOVE these of little Anna – totally show your immeasurable (do you say it like that in english LOL) love for your daughter ♥

  4. As always, you’re images are perfection. It’s hard to believe you *ever* have creative mojo issues. I visit your blog daily. It is a HUGE source of inspiration for me. Just started a photoblog of my own with the help of my sister (she helps me with the techno jibberjabber). I am a jr. high Art teacher. I decided to take your “photo a day” idea and try to post images of our life throughout the summer. It’s been so much fun. Thank you so much for feeding my creative mojo. I know you’ll be back in the groove in no time! Thank you!

  5. i lOVE that third one. They all have that childlike-whimsey to them…i’m glad you just let her “be”.
    i just saw your pic of the day and first of all, it is a great pic of him….full of emotion. Second, I want to just give him a hug. I think we can all remember a time like that in our own life….it’s something we want to protect our kids from and can’t. I hope things get better soon.

  6. Beautiful as always Tara. I love the blue lifeguard stand in the background. Wish I could take some photos on that thing!! The red chair is genius! Love her white dress. Thanks for sharing again.
    Keep ’em coming. :)

  7. That red chair? Is that going to be your version of the red couch project (which is really cool btw)?

    I love these shots. The third one is my favorite. So carefree.

    Thanks for being a continued inspiration Tara!

  8. :)
    she IS a spunkmonkey. haha.
    thanks for the love guys. :) i sure do love that kid.

    as for the red chair-i hadnt even thought of using it as my red couch. this is my scrap table chair and i just grabbed it on my way out the door for something fun. but maybe i could use it.

    i think i want something green though. ugly, lime, olivey, pukey green.

  9. I was thinking the same thing as Amanda…that you should use that red chair as your red couch! ooh, but pukey green sounds even better…how about a rustic, vintage-y green stool or something…maybe you could get a unfinished wood bench from Michael’s or Ikea and just paint it. Sand it down and give it that ugly-but-totally loved look.. :)

  10. another idea…how about an old window or door from that fabo junk yard you went to with Miss Em? i’m sure they have something just way too yummy that you could use…

  11. So glad you are back! I was having “tara withdrawals”! Beautiful photos as usual, and love the red chair.
    Thanks for taking time out to share!

  12. These pictures capture Anna so perfectly. From what you have told us about her she sounds very much like my Jack. I love the red chair… just perfect.
    Sorry to hear that you are having creative mojo issues… I just know that you will get your groove back really soon. After all you are Miss T who has inpsired me for so long now and will continue to for many years to come. Perhaps what you need is a little vacation down under to kickstart your mojo back into action… hee hee hee.. ;o)

  13. these are just perfrction tara. luv them all. i agree with the others…hard to believe that someone with so much talent, creativity and spunk of her own would ever have issues feeling creative….i know you will get it back soon!!

  14. Just checked your photo of the day, the one of your son and his school troubles, tell him to always stay true to who he is inside, never change for anyone, it will all work out in the end. I had the worst childhood in school, I was a scroungy little mouse and was beat up and picked on at school but I remained happy and true to who I was, I never took the wrong path. I have a wonderful life now and I know it was the choices I made as a young child, ahh the meek shall inherit the earth, yippeee!!

  15. I love the red chair. I was wishing I’d had one the other day when I was doing some photos for a friend of mine at the beach. I like the look of a chair in the sand like that. Plus, I love red. But pukey green is good too! :-)

  16. she is a cute little spunk monkey. :) i thought your “red couch” should be a green something. how about a pukey green crushed velvet tuffet? small, different and easily portable. the red chair is pretty cool though.

  17. okay…the red chair under the pier is too darn clever. I have red kitchen chairs. WHY have I never thought to bring them to the beach. I wonder what my husband will say when I pitch one into the back of the van the next time we head out to Lake Michigan. I’m so gonna. Cuz I love that.

  18. It’s so funny that you wrote about your creative mojo…I’m having the same problem. And, actually I’ve discovered that your blog and those of a few other creative women have been helping to “prime” it. Thanks for the inspiration! I love your work and your attitude.

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