i simply adore the idea of this

the red couch project

and would love to do my own version of it in my portrait work. show the same cool unique piece with every family i shoot. to show unity in families. how we are all just the same, no matter how different we all look.

ill be on the lookout for my version of a red couch.

i cant stop looking at the images. they choke me up and make me feel something so strong.

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  1. what about a cool red chair, like the one you used with the GG with the gorgeous brown shawl, I am sorry I cannot remember her name, it was a long time ago.

  2. Ah yes, Very cool ideas. I’m thinking it would be o’so cool if every photographer had there own “red couch” of sorts, something different for each one and you knew, “Hey, that’s (insert photogrpaher’s name) I’d recognize that green (insert object) anywhere.”

    Anyway, I like it. Go for it. ;0)

  3. now that is truly cooL! but you already do that with the heart thingy! i LOVE that! those images choke me up too, esp. the ballerina one. not sure why!
    thanks for sharing!tara

  4. I love that idea! The pictures were great viewed slowly, but when I viewed them a little quicker it felt like I was flying over America peeking into peoples lives. Awesome. I esp. loved the ones in the fields. Can’t wait to see some of your pics on a cool red couch!! ps I love silhouette pictures and the one of Emily & Mick is just the most perfect…can’t stop looking at it! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Tara,

    I can’t wait to see your version of this. It’s going to be awesome! What a great idea. I really hope you end up doing it.

    I’m a huge fan, and my dream is to save enough, get to Cali and have my family captured in pictures like only you can.

    Your pictures go so far beyond the mere image…you manage to capture the pure essence of your subjects.

    You really should be very proud of your work. I vivst your blog every day to get a boost of inspiration from your portraits, and just looking at them makes me feel good inside.


    Ana Magloire
    Miami, FL.

  6. Tara,
    You should seriously think about applying for some sort of arts grant and take this whole show to the next level as an artist. You have the potential to do it. Although, like me you might not have the time to do it at this point, with all the munchkins around. Just wanted to encourage you, I am watching you become quite an artist.

    I DO want to have you do some photography for us, just want the timing to be right:) We need to get on your schedule….

  7. This is so cool, Tara.

    I always love it when you pull a piece of the family’s furniture out front for their shoot. I have been scheming a LONG time trying to figure out if I can ask our grandparents if/how we can take one of their couches out for family pictures the next time we have a get-together. Too bad their furniture is all 70’s looking, but it will make a great unifying piece for all the families… I’ve even schemed of either borrowing or buying a red couch just to lug around for cool picture opps, but then does that mean I have to buy (or borrow) a truck every time???! LOL… :o)

  8. what a cool concept. Though I do think your heart you do is a wonderful way of unifying the families… especially because you are doing more than just hearts in the sand – the lego hearts and things like that… they are perfect.

  9. You will have to try and track down a movie called “RED VIOLIN”…it’s an art house type film with the actor Malcovich(sp?)…its about the travels of a red violin….brilliant movie

  10. Oh that is such a cool project. Have you seen Richard Avedon’s portraits from the mid-80s. They are all set on a white background, and that really unifies them, but just like the red couch, it’s not the one thing that is the same that you notice. It’s all those other things. I’ve been working on an ongoing art project where I take these tiny plasic toy pigs and place them where ever I go (when the mood is right, of course). It’s amazing how something the same can be so changed by what’s around it. I hope you find your “red couch”

  11. Love the idea…

    How about a ring? They seem to hold such significance for unity…

    (and it would be easy to travel with)

    It’s not flashy, but cool, in an understated sort of way…

    I bet you could find a really cool unique antique one…

  12. This red couch project is very cool.
    My head is spinning with ideas.
    An antique looking mantel clock would be a cool “prop”.
    I like the fact that although it unifies, it also symbolizes time or timelessness, however you want to look at it.

    You are such an inspiration and your photography moves me. It’s very real.
    I check in here every so often and love to see you post on 2Peas.

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