moments like this make the fighting, yelling, video game playing, farting, burping, running, punching, wrestling, and other misc grossness all worth it


drew reads to nathan every night. sometimes nate stays in his bunk and falls asleep in minutes. other nights he climbs in with drew to look at the pictures. i LOVE that they do this.

having boys isnt easy. for me. i tend to react to them as if i was a nine year old girl and they are like, TOTALLY grossing me out. i have to constantly remind myself that i am their mother, not their peer. i have to train myself to actually like the way they smell after they play outside. instead of comparing it to how my brothers room used to smell and how gross i thought he was. they are my boys. my boys!


it is really loud in this house all of the time when they are both home. i dont do so good with loud all the time. and i dont always get what they like. i am such a girl. ugh, rolling my eyes, swords and video games again? i have to remember that they are sweet little people even though they are boys and crazy most of the time. they are sweet little people who love each other oh so much. and they love me.

i am so glad i had two of them. i am so glad i had THE two of them.

i am so glad that i get to raise two little gentlemen. two little men who have a "special crazy" sister and a little sassy one. who they protect and take care of. who they help. i see in their eyes the love they have for the girls. i see it already the overprotective nature they have for them. i love raising them. i really do. trying to break that typical male mold. trying to open their eyes to other things. other ways of thinking. teaching them to be emotional and sensitive along with rough and tough. teaching them crying is okay.

helping them create a bond between themselves that will never ever break.

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  1. i’m right there with ya’, girl. I just don’t get the video games and rough housing. And I can’t stand the LOUD all the time. Some days I think Chloe is just as loud as Zach, though, which drives me insane. But I feel the same way as you … so glad I have these kids. they’re mine. gotta love ’em even if some days I think I might lose it.

    What a special moment you captured. You can see the bond between them. So special. :)

  2. I WANT TWO BOYS!! Instead I have just ONE. He’s probably the same as two…he is stinky and sweaty and with all the normal grossness (farting and burping)…with a house full of girly girls its hard sometimes to see the grossness as charming-
    I love teaching my boy that its ok to cry and be slightly sensitive, while totally encouraging him to be manly man-which he is.
    You’re a sweet moma T…thank you for reminding me just how sweet our boys can be Ü
    Sweet pictures!!

  3. I soooo loved your post today. I have THREE boys and they love to freak me out with the burping and farting and talking about boys stuff. My house is LOUD. I was an only child in a quiet house and my house always has boys running and screaming! I wouldn’t trade it though. It is also filled with love and hugging and caring for each other. Noise cancelling headphones would be nice though ;) and maybe nose plugs.

  4. your boys are darling. they are so sweet together. i used to find young boys foreign, but now i want to eat them for lunch. the other day ethan came in after a hard day of playing and i licked his forehead to see if he was salty. and yes indeed he was.

  5. k, seriously, you’re making me WANT more than 2 kids, right this instance, man, you make it sound SO much easier than I just KNOW it must be. You have a BIG heart and you are SO full of patience and love, you must be bursting with it! I need to wipe my eyes now!

  6. I love being the mom to two boys, but I so get where you are coming from. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by all of the weird and gross little boy stuff and I am wishing they will hurry up and become nice gentlemen I watch Finding Neverland. Try it! Itsure helps me love the moments I have right now. :)

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