bougainvillea kisses part two

Bentley and her boys travel from NY to CA a few times a year to visit the family they have in Venice Beach. We connected online a few years ago and stay in touch. I adore her. These are good people who I really like being with.

I love:

the fluorescent pink nails
the Venice canals
the blue eyes
the matching/alternating open mouthed smiles on dad’s shoulders
the bougainvillea on fire and the colors they wore
the scrunchy nose smiles from Bentley
the true, honest expressions
the checkered shirt
the birds flying with us as we walked to the shore
the kite flying in between
the way she looks at her boys
the blue lifeguard tower
the one handed cuddle while holding plastic cup of champagne
the colors of the Venice boardwalk behind them
the them.


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  1. tara!!!!!!
    again again again so fabulous.
    love every single one of them.
    is that where that movie Valentine’s Day was shot? with ashton kutcher.
    being from kansas….we don’t have a lot of areas around us like that!
    gorgeous setting.

    happy 4th and long weekend!

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