what might be our last friday-after-school-beach-trip until spring.


I love that I captured how she looks at me. (Taken while camera was hanging around my neck.) In both of these shots, there is the Anna smile that almost seems to be exploding out of her, and it’s all she can do to contain it inside. There is some kind of oreo cookie moustache going on here too, it looks like. Oh, I remember, we stopped for ice cream cones before going to the beach. That is definitely an oreo cookie moustache.


A game that every child plays at one time or another with the waves.


Jeff stays out there for hours, pushing the boogie board over and over and over and over for anyone who wants a ride. What you can’t see is the kermit smile hidden behind the board and her reaction when the ride comes to a stop. “YES! I DID IT! I SURF LIKE DADDY!!” Complete with a Mckenna donkey kick and fist pump.


Not loving the orange cast from the board. (Will remember to pack the white one next time.) They love when the tide comes in, and they can float around like this in between sets.


He can only pull off acting remote, cool, and uninterested for so long. He reminds me of a golden retriever. He also just turned twelve. My goodness. Ocean hair at its finest.


I could take a million photos of her hair like this. This is getting framed.


We couldn’t find any matching bathing suit pieces. I don’t care about that. I like this better. It’s very punky brewster. It’s very her.


This sucker is getting framed too. Little bugger never relaxes for the camera anymore. He is in that stage. So I don’t bug him with the camera much right now. I was ever so lucky to get this. This look is also very him.


Now that daylight savings is fast approaching (Nov. 1), our after school beach trips are numbered. So sad. But nice to go to the beach on other times and not have to fight crowds in the parking lot. This time of year is actually my favorite for our beaches. I love the cold. I love bundling up in sweatshirts and mexican blankets at a bonfire. I love the marine layer. But most of all, I love the peace and quiet.




Join the Conversation


  1. Tara, such lovely shots! I need to head out and take the kiddos on our last Cali beach after school day too. Before it’s too late. :) That B&W of her wet hair is AH-MAZING. Love them all, though. Glad you had a pleasant family afternoon! :)

  2. love these tara! anna’s hair…the 12 yr old boy looks, i know those!

    question: how do you do that with your camera around your neck? i have seen you post shots before where you weren’t looking through the camera – is that on purpose or a lucky shot? do you switch to auto? i would think my focus would be all off???

    thanks tara!

  3. Apryl, with a wide angle lens I shoot from the ground, from the hip, from above my head quite often without looking. I make sure all of my focal points are activated and just wait and see what I get. One of my favorite things to do.

  4. i don’t comment much at all, but i have been following your blog for a long time… i just LOVE how you capture people as they are. you inspire this mommy photographer! i love how, even with your kids, you know THEM, in front of the camera, if they’re giving you the real smile, or playing it cool. and how you respect your son not wanting to be photographed much right now. makes me want to figure out my own kids, and how they change in front of the camera (and how to get my almost three year old to stop saying “Cheese!”, which i am sure i taught her that). thank you. you rock!

  5. what wonderful captures of your family.. of moments in your life that you will always cherish.. taken with love.. it just ooozes from each and every photo.. Wish we had beautiful beaches like this.. ours aren’t quite as lovely.. and hard to surf in lakes I think.. not sure.. but pretty sure..

  6. Oh to have beach days after school! I long for the beach on these cold North East fall/winter days.
    ps…you constantly inspire me to capture the every day moments. The ones that slip through my fingers, often with no photographic evidence. Thanks for sharing, Tara! It’s always an honor to be able to “see” the world through your lens.

  7. I love your personal posts so much! You are such a wonderful writer and awesome storyteller…. These shots are priceless! (And part of me is amazed that Tara Whitney suffers (probably very rarely) from color-casting too!) :) You rock my socks TW! :)

  8. I wish so badly that I lived closer to you instead of in Arkansas so that you could take pictures of my family. I absolutely love your work. Someday, I will bring my family to California to have you take their picture :)

  9. Anna does sure seem to have a magical chemistry to her personality, totally happy go lucky LOVE THAT! these are great pix tara! your boys are getting soooo grown up! it must be the age with nate, because savannah is the same way with the camera, dork faces all the time, he’s 9 right? almost 10? savannah will be 10 in december!
    mckenna, adorable as always! I love your famiLY!
    tara pp

  10. Hi Tara, I love these! I have a question. When you go to the beach do you usually just have one lens on your camera, or do you switch it up? What lens did you have on during this outing? It really helps me to understand what I’m seeing. Thanks!

  11. Tara… I check your blog weekly… I love it.
    I just picked up my first SLR and would love to know a lens you just can’t live without. Your work is so Beautiful-Real… My favorite~

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