lovely lovely yellow flowers • orange county photographer

jeff reminded me a few weeks ago that every year the yellow flowers come to town and every year i say im going to take the family out in them and every year … i dont.

so last saturday we had nothing planned. and shane and rachel were coming over.

so i cooked up a little outing.

i have only just begun to work on the photos that we took, (i did a shoot with the two lovebirds and in between they shot us) and ive been sitting on these since saturday and i just cant anymore. i just have to share these because as you can imagine i look at photos like this everyday. but they never have me in them. or my husband. or my children. or OUR connection. or OUR love.

and now, thanks to jeff pushing me to do this, and shane for playing photographer, i do.



and this one, i just have no words. like i said, i am rarely in photos. i LOVE the yellow flowers. like, i love them so much my soul drinks them in with every glance i get. i drive down streets surrounded by them and i cant stop looking at them and taking in the beauty and serenity of them. they bring me peace. the beauty of them washes over me everyday from march-may. so to have this shot of me is seriously a big deal. a huge deal. we were walking back to the car and i was looking at the images quickly in the back of the camera when walking and when i came across this one i screamed out loud to jeff. the flowers, the light, the way i am looking at him (he was shooting these), the outfit rachel and i carefully chose, the crop. yes i set up the shot but he clicked at JUST THE RIGHT SECOND.


and this


you can only kind of tell that the strap of my dress had popped off when i was getting back up from laying on the ground and was tucked ever so delicately into my bra strap.

but you can TOTALLY tell how happy i was in this moment.

happy happy happy happy happy.

i love feeling happy.

just as much as i love the yellow flowers.

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  1. YOU ARE BREATHTAKING!!! Oh my goodness these are phenomenal images, Tara, and I’m so glad that now YOU have some of that “good stuff” you give to your clients and friends every single day. And us blog-stalkers. :) You just seem to glow. You look glorious and relaxed and completely content in the moment.

    And I will forever be jealous of these. :)

  2. I don’t think i have EVER seen pictures of you that show all that you are. That show how you’ve come into your own…..You are beautiful,stunning,take my breath away gorgeous. My daughter.
    And the love between High school sweethearts still…….
    I get copies,right???

  3. I love the yellow flowers too! I do the same thing every year…I tell myself I HAVE to take my kids out each year to shoot them in the flowers and EVERY year I let it slip by. Good for you for getting out there and doing it. These images are amazing…as always!

  4. And I love you, tara whitney and your brilliant work and I strive to grow and learn and be as unique in my way as you are in yours….Is there any way on earth you could allow me the priviledge of being a part of a photo workshop or master class of yours somewhere…or just see me as a charity case and meet with me one and one and help me along the way :)Take care! And keep being YOU!

  5. Tara… Everytime I look at your photos. I feel the emotion you are capturing. This time. I am so excited for you. I know how you feel. I am rarely in pictures and if this were me, I would die and explode too, instead of pink glitter it would be purple glitter.

    I LOVE, to infinity and beyond, the love captured between you and your husband. Blow that image up really big and hang it on a wall where you’d see it everyday!

  6. YAY!!! I’m so glad that you went out in the flowers to have your photo taken. These are FRICKING AMAZING photos of you. Like everyone has said, they really capture you. I know for me that it is so hard to be photographed (I love to hide behind that lens), and when very occasionally there is a photo of me that I kind of don’t mind, I’m happy. BUT. THESE. ARE. STUNNING. Sigh. Smile.

  7. you are breathtaking Tara! So proud of you for making a point to do this… us photog women are NEVER in photos and I think it is so important for our kids to have a beautiful collection of images that tell the story of who WE are. PURE INSPIRATION.

  8. Happy happy happy photos indeed!!!
    And if you get a chance to answer this ( because I live in the OC ) – WHERE is ( or was) that field of yellow flowers???
    Thanks for sharing these with us!!

  9. confident, comfortable in your skin – and REAL. reading your blog shows us what you’re like as a photog, as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter. but these pics show who you are as a woman. what a treasure.
    so awesome that you get a taste of what you’ve given to so many others – you deserve it – hope we get to see more from this shoot – and that you do this more often for yourself.

  10. awesome – you guys look great, as do you alone! really nice shots. yes, you mustn’t forget to get in the shots now and then. i wish you were on the east coast! :)

  11. Tara, you have been an inspiration to me for a long time and given me the courage to start up my own business. These shots are beautiful, really show the inner beauty and essence of you. Love the shot of you and your hubby and those gorgeous yellow flowers.

  12. I live in So Cal too and can’t wait for our yellow flowers, which are called Black Mustard. It isn’t native to our area and has over run native plants but a photographers dream!!! I just posted a photo shot on my blog of some also. Keep rockin’ your work! I love it!!!

  13. Oh Tara, I’m so happy for you that you have these. And a bit jealous, too. The only photos I have with me in them are ones that a) I used a tripod and remote for or b) ones that I hired out for our annual family session. These are just magical. Just wonderful. Just you.

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