• you know you weren’t a child of the eighties if •

your mom comes home from target and shows you your new shirts.

you are pretty stoked over them actually, showing off to your sisters.

“these are cool! thanks mom!”

you put them on, marching around, rubbing your hands all over your stomachs.

when suddenly, you look at each other, then at me, point to the design on the tshirt, and say,

“but what are these?”

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  1. numerous years ago – my much younger brother-in-law was with us (his brother/my husband) and asked, “what’s a record?” nothing like making you feel a tad old!! cute post – especially the way you worded it. My kids ask me, ‘mommy, what was your favorite DS game when you were little?” my reply always amazes them. “Mommy didn’t have electric games growing up – I had to play outside with my friends”.

  2. That is too funny! I was at a yard sale this weekend and there was a whole bunch of tapes that were like .10 cents a piece…”what a steal I thought to myself” and then I thought about how I would listen to them…darn I-pod, wouldn’t even be able to get them on there ;)

  3. I hear ya! I just posted on my blog yesterday about going to the hospital to have my 11 year old, and how I brought my portable cd player (pre-ipod) and my phone cards (pre-cell phone) to call people from the hospital phone! Things change SO FAST…..

  4. LOL! Love that. Ok seriously our children will never know the joys of having to wind the cassette with your finger because the stupid tape player tried to “eat your cassette” Good times…they don’t know what they are missing.

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