and ive been hearing nothing for going on two hours now. im totally feeling so open and free.
mckenna came home from school and went to her room, took off her shoes, got into bed, pulled a pillow over her head, and started snoring. ( i hope she isnt coming down with something.)

i just realized how very very much i miss the quiet. to have a long stretch of quiet is impossible here. with anyone else at home, you hear everything they do. im going to go lay somewhere and enjoy it now. (just finished up editing a slew of sessions-6 in two days!)

but here are the daughters, who belong to the in love couple below. 078.jpg

sand angels are what we do here in the californ eye aye!



quick donut break for sustenance and energy.


that little sugar was such a momma’s girl. her connection to her momma was so strong and special.065.jpg074.jpg

Join the Conversation


  1. you were right-this was a great session! I like each picture better than the next. YOu are magical!
    I love the peace,love,lip gloss tee. Sweet!

  2. i love all of these, but the donut one is my favorite for some reason! and God bless quiet…I am experiencing it right now for the first time in over 3 days. Even for just 30 minutes, it soothes the soul, doesn’t it!?!

  3. I just wanted to say hi! I’m totally amazed by your beautiful shots, you’re so talented girl!!! I’d like to live in California just to have a photo session with you, ahahahhh ^_^! Hugs from Italy, Simona.

  4. As always….i feel like such a nerd stalking your blog daily….then bam there they are!! NEW PICS!! heart this set….cannot wait till the day I come your way and get me families pics done on the beach. My kids would luv you I know. Cannot find anyone around here that I really want to shoot our pics…I am soo freaking picky…all i want is simple, real and of course amazing…and I am not sure that anyone around here can deliver. Anyways, great job…last thing…do you know where they got those adorable shirts?!?

  5. Tara, I just read one of your recent post about your migraines. I have suffered from them since I was in the 5th grade. I even seen a dr. who prescribed daily meds and other meds to use when I got a migraine… unfortunately without any relief. So, over the last few years I have used a silly but very helpful method of helping the headaches. When I feel a headache coming on(not just a lil’ headache, but one that you know may turn into a migraine) I drink a Mountain Dew (yep..full of caffeine), have a snack, and take 800 mg of Ibuprofen( which is 4tabs-200 mg soft gel tabs- dr.s recommend this dosage for patients with inflammation, if they would write a prescription for Ibuprofen it would be 800 mg, so therefore it is prescription strength and safe to use for short time periods). I wanted to share this with you, maybe it will help, it is definitely worth a try! :) Good Luck!

  6. i was just thinking how loud it is here and how badly i long for quiet today.
    with five kids there is no quiet here either.
    these pictures are great – as always.
    do you know where she got those cute t-shirts?
    so sweet.
    and that donut looks yummy too.
    hope you found some rest today.

  7. First off, I heart Tara for these amazing shots of my family!

    The shirts are from my friends boutique just outside Chicago, called Duck Duck Goose. However, I just called for you all and they sold out of them quickly. The company that makes them is called Flowers by Zoe. Maybe try and Google it? Good luck!

    Thanks for all the sweet comments everyone!

  8. Love these photos! What a fun shoot for you. This family is adorable.
    Favorites are:
    the first one of the girls in the sand. Looks like they’re flying. I love that!
    the family in front of that yellow alley house. Amazing color and proofing on that. i love their expressions too.
    the one of the girl holding her dad’s hand and looking back.
    the one of the family with the girls upside down.

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