unforgettables crop photo shoot winner!

man, ive been meaning to post about this for 2 weeks!
i found out who the winner was and i am SO EXCITED!


laura bloom is local to me and we have run into each other all over the city. target, costco, dance class…

i hear her reaction was pretty priceless-wish i could have been there to see it!

thank you SO much to everyone who entered the raffle-we ended up raising $1500 from that alone! so awesome. made me feel so good to be able to be a part of the event.

cant wait to shoot laura and FAM!

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  1. lol – i knew you had to have posted this because i just had about a million hits on my blog referred from you! ;)

    i am sooooo excited! seriously the best win ever! thanks tara and the unforgettables! i feel like such a lucky girl!

  2. I DID see the priceless reaction! I was sitting across the table from her and it was just the most picture perfect moment that we of course, all missed. There were tears, there was lots of screaming (from us). She deserves this so much. We had just been talking about it and trust me, she truly wanted this. I mean who wouldn’t, but still. She REALLLY REALLY wanted this. I love it when things work out the way they should.

    The kids are the cutest things ever so it will make the shoot a piece of cake. I can’t wait to see the results. This is the best. And thanks to Karen, the awesome Karen and director of The Unforgettables. It was the best crop I’ve ever been too.

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