southern california winters









my absolute favorite time of year. january-march. it is BEAUTIFUL here. cool and crisp. sunny. and sometimes rainy.

i met up with emily and lisa in oceanside a couple weekends back. it was freezing-but the kids did not care, as you can see. i just love spending time with these girls. its so weird to think that these beautiful people in my life have such an impact on my children too.

once, anna and i were playing the “describing game” where you describe something or someone until the other person guesses. and we were doing people.

anna said: i am thinking of a girl.
and she has black hair.
but she doesnt have any daughters.
and she likes me a lot.

and i didnt even have to guess. i knew it was lisa. and speaking of lisa: here is lovely laughing lisa at a different beach on a different day.


photos from that beach day to come.

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  1. It’s a balmy 23 degrees here – jealous much??!! Hey, us Minnesotans aren’t hard to please -if it’s above zero we think it’s a heat wave! I AM jealous – my kids SO need to frolic outside & that looks like SO much fun!!

  2. So funny how jealous the rest of the country is of our weather!! I love it! I’m an O’side local… but haven’t braved taking my young kids to the beach this time of year! Looks like you’ve been in my neck of the woods a few times lately. I always wonder… when do we get to the point that we feel the cold, more than the desire to play and have fun! Such an adult thing… COLD! Looks like fun, sometimes I wish I weren’t such and ADULT.

  3. I could enjoy that type of winter you know. I used to play the naming game with my daughter, around the same age. Once we were on the Metro in Paris (we lived there) and she was describing this thing that was big and metal and…. and a guy chimed in with “an escalator!” and the whole carriage laughed. We hadn’t realised everyone was listening, LOL.

  4. I’ve been so, so, so homesick for such a long time now and this posting didn’t help any… : ( Well, no, it helped give me the kick in the pants to do whatever it takes to make my next vacation a visit to “home”.

  5. I traveled to CA for the first time in January and was in Carlsbad for one sunny gorgeous week (for work, though, so all day was inside). Went to the surf beach north of Carlsbad (I think it was Oceanside?) twice on the trip. Then back to northeast OHIO where today I am living with 12-18 INCHES OF SNOW!!!!!! It’s the second snow day in a row.

    I often look at your pictures and had wondered if it’s really truly as beautiful in CA as it looks. It is.

    I kept thinking to myself the whole time I was there — wow, I’m near where Tara Whitney must live — and those photographers from The Image is Found — and Jamie Waters, too. How different a society we live in where we feel like we “know” those whose blogs and photos and lives we lurk about!!!! (Or, at the very least, the connections we find over the internet make us find familiar places when we’ve never been there before.)

    Glad you share all of your fabulous beach photos — it reminds me of a nice respite from Ohio winter and to plan a trip back!

  6. I am utterly wowwwed by your photos…i dont even feel like photos is the right word.. let me start over..I am utterly wowwwwed by your stories…yes that is the word. ever one evokes emotion and tells me a story. I am happy to have stumbled here..and i will continue to come back for more.

    you are a true talent.

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