we brought home enough sand in our ears and nether regions to fill our jacuzzi bathtub to the brim

and we wouldnt have it any other way!

i want to post a recap including pictures later today or early tomorrow (but i have to get the bags out of the car first-or bribe jeff to do it)

first i want to post some updates on business stuff.

if you emailed me last year to be added to my interest list, i have not forgotten about you! my plans to get organized in december went slighty awry (hmmm, am i really surprised by that? december? crazy?) so i will be getting in touch sometime in the next week. i will also be getting back to everyone who emailed while i was away.

look for updates coming soon to my website www.tarawhitney.com. i am going to be working with chris ford again to make some small changes and tweaks including new photos in the galleries and a new splash! i think i love tweaking and re-arranging almost as much as my friend margie.

some of the updates will be on my packages. the prices may go up slightly or change (nothing too drastic) to accommodate the changes i want to make. like new options and add ons…

the amount of traveling i will be doing is going to be cut quite a bit. last year was an experiment and very educational for me to figure out what i can handle and what i should not even attempt to handle. i want to give the very very best of me to my family and clients and when i am stretched too thin that just cant happen. i LOVED getting to see new places and i seriously met some of the coolest people on my trips. people that i now call friends after having spent time with them, so i dont regret a thing. ill be looking this year to make travel fit into my life. instead of having my life fit around travel. spreading it out a bit more or perhaps staying in one place a bit longer to fit in more sessions. i know for certain i will be going up north again to the bay area (san francisco, east bay, etc) at least once. other than that, i am just not sure right now. i do have every email saved that requested a location, so if i will be coming to one of them i will get in touch to let you know the who’s, what’s, and when’s. and of course, i will update my website and blog too.

on that same note, i have decided to stop writing my perspective column for simple scrapbooks magazine. i believe my last one will be may/june. i so appreciate the opportunity to have something like that-tara eleven years ago just starting out in scrapbooking would never have believed such a thing could ever come to fruition-but its another case of “not being able to give my best to everyone” so i have to cut something out. i hope to continue contributing to books and articles when i can.

and last but not least, a little funny. the first time we checked in on how miss mckenna mac was doing my brother told us that the minute we left the car after our goodbyes and walked into the airport mckenna climbed into the front seat with him and said, “FINALLY! they are all gone!” we laughed so much at that and every time we called to check in we just heard about how happy and content she was to be the only one in charge of the remote control (no one to scream at her when she rewinds the same 30 seconds of tv over and over for fifteen minutes), to be the only one to choose the music in the car (i am sure kidz bop christmas got really old REALLY fast), and to pretty much be treated like a princess on vacation. any qualms at all about going without her were squelched with that very first phone call. it just brought back to me how happy she was last summer when the other three kids went to my moms for a week (she had summer school). she was seriously like a different person without the noise and activity of the other three kids overwhelming her. its something we are going to have to work on-that overwhelming thing-because its not like i can make us all disappear forever! but maybe one day when she is older we can compromise and build her a little granny flat in the backyard-with her own remote, her own stockpile of kidzbop, wiggles CDs, and catalogs, and of course a microwave for frozen fettucini alfredo.

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  1. Shhhhh we don’t speak about kidz bop christmas around these parts! And it was the best decision to leave her home, she had such a blast playing on your computer and watching the wiggles 24/7. She ruled the roost!

    Uncle Shane did such a great job I am so proud of him. :-)

    I am so glad you all are home, can’t wait to gobble up Anna!

  2. welcome home!! i just have to leave a comment to tell you i am so sad about your column in the magazine…you were the reason i renewed my subscription…i just really really loved your “perspective” but i totally understand and am happy you are gaining some balance…just know you will be missed alot ok?? and maybe you can post a few pages here every once in a while for us “groupies” k?? hugs to you!!

  3. BABY POWDER!!! You need baby powder.. nothing removes sand like it. (we have the lil mini container in our beach bags), Simply put it on.. pat.. sand falls away! brilliant stuff. If it is in your shoes.. simple add some powder.. shake.. tip out.. fresh smelling shoes + no sand. Works in pockets too!! GOOD LUCK.

  4. Glad you had a safe and fun trip!! I will really miss your Simple column; its always one of the first things I check out! Maybe you can post a layout every now and again on the blog. Have a great day!

  5. I’m so glad you’re back, had fun, and posted. I’m also glad to hear about how great McKenna did while you were gone. We’re not there yet, but imagining a vacation not worrying about Nathaniel getting lost is a fun thought – and I know he’d love having control of the remote.

    Take care,

  6. I just loved looking through your blog and website. Found you through my sister-in-law. I also love to take pictures (not so much of people….I prefer nature and stuff that is standing still!!!) and thought I’d tell you about a great web site (it’s free) that you can post your favorite pictures, enter them into contests and even take online classes. Forgive me for sounding like a sales person! It’s a great site and thought I’d tell you about it! It is: http://www.betterphoto.com Have fun with it!! =) You really have a nack for good pics!

  7. so sad to “hear” you’re leaving simple scrapbooks. your column is the first one i read when mine comes in the mail. but glad that you’re getting “things” in order…family is the most important thing…always!

    looking forward to pictures…we’re leaving for hawaii in ten days…hope your pics get me in the mood to pack up and go because right now i just really don’t want to deal with the hassle! but oh…sandy beaches…here we come.

  8. katie-
    it is sooooo not a hassle-you hardly need anything but bathing suits and dresses, tshirts for the boys. seriously-hawaii is not a dress up place-everyone walks around sandy and barefoot half the time, wet from the beach while eating dinner. :)

  9. loved hearing about McKenna’s “vacation”! totally made me smile.

    I too need to tell you that I will miss your column at SS. But I totally understand. You just have to figure out what works for YOU and your family and stay partially sane. :) Blessings!

  10. Welcome back, and happy new year..great to hear that your daughter coped so well….we missed your blog updates while you were gone. You probably need another holiday now to get over Hawaii… have fun

  11. I was thinking about you while you were away and wondering how you were dealing without her there with you. So glad she was fine and had such a great time with your brother. :)

  12. tara i totally admire you. so i wish i could shoot like you, and then write like you, and be thoughtful too. it sucks to look at your life and re-prioritize, but then you find happiness in things that have always been there, that you didn’t have time to notice. so, here’s to you and a new year and a few changes to create some more laughter and time together! cheers!

  13. It’s great to hear you all had a wonderful vacation, especially about McKenna.

    I’ll deeply miss your column at Simple Scrapbooks. I’ve really enjoyed reading your stuff there. I hope you won’t completely go missing from the magazine. Your layouts have been some of my best inspiration to date.


  14. your last sentence about building mckenna a little granny flat brought a little tear to my eye – just because i get (and love) that kind of kid and you obviously get them too. in addition, it makes me think how great it would be if more of us could be happy with our own versions of the “granny flat” you describe. gotta appreciate those simple things more.


  15. thanks for sharing that about McKenna! seriously as a momma with a special little girl I wondered how she was gonna to handle it (I just don’t think my Madison would)…and I love your idea about the granny house, except we would also need some teletubby dvd’s….

    glad you all had fun!!

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