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  1. So…. who initiated the make out session?…… :)
    We were complaining about the same thing Wed night. Being loyal Grey’s Anatomy fans we were happy to find a new episode on our Tivo last night. But personally I think GA’s good writers are still on strike–not feelin’ the same love I remember.

  2. I love to zoom right past those commercials.
    Tivo is the best invention!
    It is SO annoying to have to watch TV the old fashion way… live.
    I am so over it and I don’t even think we have seen the worst of it yet. = (

    Love your idea!!!

  3. You think it is bad not having any new shows to watch…. try not having any new shows to watch while your husband is home all day because he lost his job due to the strike! AAAAHHH!!! Men who are home all day will use any excuse to make out! I think all of the wives need to hold out until the strike is resolved…it’d be over in a matter of minutes then, I am sure :)

  4. See, this is when you break out all the Lord of the Rings DVDs or all five seasons of babylon 5, like we are at our house. We have an 11 month old who hasn’t slept longer than 3 hours at a stretch. There isn’t any making out going on here.

  5. we have been watching the Waltons. does anyone remember that TV show from the 70’s. I was luck enough to receive the whole DVD collection for the holidays.

    LOST starts in just a few weeks that is something to TVO.

  6. Serious! I was just happy that Heroes already had its episodes all lined up to the finale. And luckily Dr Who is a British show, so no strike. ;) But everything else on hold? Not cool! They were saying on NPR this morning that the support industry lost about $8M or some crazy number like that due to the Golden Globes being cancelled. I don’t understand why the studios can’t just pay up already!

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