donate $10 for a chance to win a free photo session and package!

(this is going to stay pinned to the top until the event, so scroll down for newer posts)

hey guys, i just wanted to post a quick reminder about the unforgettables crop-a benefit fundraiser for The Unforgettables Foundation–a non-profit charity that raises money to help grieving families with expenses after their child has died.

Date: January 26, 2008 11:00 a.m. – January 27, 2008 1:00 a.m.
Cost: $100 per scrapbooker + a donation of at least $100 for TUF (prizes for the higest donations will be awarded!) Cost covers 2 meals, t-shirt, goodie bag & more! Lots of opportunity drawings will be held to win retreat weekends with friends – and so much more!
Location: Redlands, California

i have donated a photo session to be raffled off at the crop! (valued at $1250). you can buy as many $10 tickets to be placed in the raffle as you would like-and you do NOT have to live locally to me to win the prize. travel expenses will be included should you live out of state. you also do NOT have to be at the crop to win this prize. ANY of you blog readers can enter whether you can attend or not. we are hoping for at least 1,000 entries in this raffle! your money will be going towards a really important cause!

if you are interested in buying a raffle ticket or a space at the crop, (by the way, there are only 20 spaces left if you would like to attend). please email karen wilson (organizer) at

if you are interested in finding out more, here is the link to the blog.

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  1. what a great cause. i wish we had known about something like this when our son died. i would love to donate, regardless of a free session (even tho that is my dream!) :) thanks tara for supporting such a wonderful organization.

  2. hi tara,

    i’ve been “stalking” you for quite a while now i finally decided to come out of lurker mode after seeing this post. =) i am so, what’s the word? proud of you? grateful for you? i’m not sure how to put it into words, but i just wanted to thank you and let you know that i just think it’s so cool that you “use your powers for good”. i know you have a million regular readers and when you stand behind something it means a lot to those organizations to get the publicity and your stamp of approval. so with that in mind, i was hoping to bring another organization to your attention. it’s called the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation ( it’s a group of photographers who volunteer their time to photograph babies in the hospital who don’t make it. this organization is close to my heart because my daughter Faith was born into heaven back in ’05. i just started volunteering for NILMDTS and am working on spreading the word about it. i don’t want another family to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! again, thanks for being you. your perspective on both life and photography are inspiring! =)

  3. I am so greatful for organizations like this!
    Our baby, Olivia, passed away this past November just a few hours after birth. We were able to work with an organization similar to this, called Forget-Me-Not here is Spokane, WA. It’s still new and only used through one local hospital that I know of. We were also able to use the services of NILMDTS and the MISS Foundation ( Because of Organizations like these, I was able to meet and talk with other parents that have lost a child and also have some amazing and beautiful pictures of our daughter.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For supporting such an awesome cause and bringing it to the attention of others!

  4. Count me in BABY!! I’m off to email for the raffle tickets!! My husband and I (no kids, unfortunately–for photos) will be in San Diego next Oct. for a conf.
    I’m sure you hear all sorts of crazy things from your ‘fans!!’ But, it is still my dream to have your photos deck our halls!!

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