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  1. My 4 year old son and his dad have been having way too much fun with the voice changer mask. Usually my son is whining becasue dad wont give him back hos mask. I didn’t think about buying 2.

  2. OMG I love it!!! We had one and decided to take it back since we have 4 kids and figured it would not go over well with just having one. :O)

    I love the pic! Fun memories!

    Have WAY TOO MUCH fun in Hawaii!!! Jealous over here in 6 inches of snow- dreaming of the warm beaches!

    Have a Great 2008!!!

  3. Totally random but one time you shared a link on your side bar as you always do to some cool sites and you had shared one about a family that scaled way back and moved from a house to a tiny tiny apartment. If you know what I’m talking about please share b/c I loved reading their blog but lost it! Thanks

  4. Too funny. Thanks for sharing! Are you SC fans too? We watched my cousin play his last game of college football (before the draft) at the Rose Bowl. We will miss it there but he will have fond memories. Anyhow, looks like you had holidays with family around and that they were happy! Blessings!

  5. i LOVE this picture. i have been an admirer of yours since i spotted you on 2 peas forever ago. the real reason I LOVE this picture is that i have several of my own and i can’t believe that for one second in time i thought the same thought my photographic idol was thinking….. my cup runneth over!! i even have one of my mom in it!!! in fact, i have the whole family in it at different times!

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