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  1. This cracked me up!!! I was going around the other day with my santa hat on too and people were looking at me like I was crazy! I don’t care….it’s the best time of year for having bad hair as you just plop one of those hats on and forget about it!!! :)

  2. Tara,
    Just got back from Panama….you would love it there….for training with our Latin American team of directors for a Christian media organization. We took one afternoon to learn how to take better photos. I would like to offer encouragement to the team on a monthly basis and offer a challenge…..and have them post to a gallery. Would you allow me to use one of your photos on a monthly basis to offer a tip and challenge?

  3. Hi Tara-

    I’m dying for the 24-70 lens and it is just a little out of my price range! I was wondering your thoughts on the Sigma version of this lens. I have not heard great things about Sigma, so I just wanted your opinion. If you recommend a different lens or brand, let me know. I would love, love, love the canon version, but just can’t find the money with the Holidays and everything. Thanks for your help!

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