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  1. Oh wow, I check your blog all the time through my google reader for pure inspiration! But I rarely comment….but I just had to delurk and say “Wow, that last picture just took my breath away!!!” Thanks sharing your talent with us through your blog.

  2. I love these! The first one is so cool and so unexpected that that would work. The plain ol plywood would be passed by by so many but it looks so cool! With the blues and blacks around them they just pop! Next time I see plywood I’m going to think of this shot. Beautiful images!

  3. Of course, if you’re in old town, you HAVE to use the brick buildings off the circle. :) I discovered the coolest wall ever when we were doing the Orange Home Tour a few weekends ago (it’s the old packing house), but unfortunately you get to it by going through the neighbor’s fenced-off parking lot. I totally thought of you when I saw it though! :)

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