sf, birthday, fires, and other stuff

incredible, always. karissa and i tooled around both of our favorite spots. castro, haight st, golden gate park. we rode muni and took taxis. we were drawn to a drum circle and laid in the grass and the sun. i went to timeless treasures and once more dropped a couple hundred dollars on words for my home. when i get them and put them up, ill show you. i got to see my high school BFF jalayne and spend the day with her. we went to north beach for dinner and shared wine and laughter with her boyfriend and his roommate. my clients chose the coolest places for their sessions and i fell in love with all of them. the people and the places. thank you so much for having me out! i cant wait to come back up next year. i have many people on the SF waiting list, so i will for sure be coming once, maybe twice next year.




jalaynes pup, jengo

riding around to three sessions on saturday

thank you for all the emails and stuff from yesterday. i am 31. crikey.

it was incredibly depressing to land into a layer of smoke on monday morning. its a very scary time for all of southern california. we are fine, safe. the air is horrible and the schools are keeping all the kids inside. mick and emily are in an area that isnt so safe unfortunately and so we are all keeping positive and hoping the winds change and the neighborhoods leading up the ocean are safe as can be. it has actually been like a fun little vacation with them here…emily and i have our computers set up back to back, the guys have been hanging out with the kids, and the kids, well, of course they are just running around as per usual.


other stuff:
just wanted to let everyone know-if you wanted to order the “just be” stamp set from cocoa daisy, tricia told me she has something like 80 that she has re-ordered. you can get them here if you want.

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  1. happy belated birthday to you! i’m sorry i missed telling you that yesterday. i’m glad to hear emily is safe at your place while they wait this out. so scary! keep the kiddos inside and order take-out.

    i love the shot of jengo chilling on a cushion on the car. why can’t my dogs be that good?

  2. we loved having you in our home! you were amazing with our lil one :) i can’t wait to see the pics!!!
    happy belated bday! mine was on the 22nd!
    glad you are safely home.

  3. Happy 31, Tara :)

    Everyone deserves to have a friend like you… Em looks so dang comfy sitting across from you, and speaking from experience, there is absolutely nothing better than a good friend to keep you sane when life is a bit upside down.

    Enjoy your time together. So many here on the east coast are keeping all of you on the west coast in our thoughts & prayers.

    Be well.

  4. hi tara,
    i absolutely love your photography and wondered if you would share what kind of camera/lens you shoot with? I am currently looking for a digital SLR and am totally overwhelmed by all of the choices out there. any info you’d be willing to share or knowledge you’d be willing to impart, would be much appreciated.

  5. Glad to hear you’re okay too. I’m in Tustin, and I don’t know if we’ll ever fully get the smell of smoke out of our apartment! I finally took the poor dog for a short walk yesterday since he’d been inside since Saturday night.

    SF rocks, hardcore. :)

  6. Happy Birthday! I won’t say belated because in my opinion birthdays need to last at least a week, and since our (yep – it was my b-day too) was on Tuesday we’ve got a few days left on our birthday week! Of course, I’ve got 9 years on you, so maybe I should get to celebrate longer? *grin* Enjoy being 31 – it only gets better!

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