returning clients

this gorgeous family hired me in 2006 for a session at their home. they were moving to texas and wanted everything captured before they left. i felt such a connection to the kids so i was so sad that they were leaving!

well they came back this summer to visit family and we scheduled another session, this time at the beach. i think texas agree’s with them. they all looked vibrant and healthy and HAPPY! the kids are so excited to be “famous” on the internet-they asked over and over “will that picture be on your blog?”

here you go guys! YOU ARE FAMOUS NOW! :)









seaweed jumprope!



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  1. breathtaking… stunning… gorgeous… just thought I would tell you kiddos that I think you’re all awesome! If I ever saw you I’d ask for your autograph! Tara… these just make me sit back in wonder…. beautiful work. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. *Totally unrelated to this post*–
    Thanks for the American Beauty clip. At the time, it was one of THE most profound movie moments I ever experienced, and I have had it written in my journal from years ago when it came out…. But I had all but forgotten it. So watching it again has been really powerful. (So maybe the fact that i’m 8 months preggy might be contributing to the tears, but whatcha gonna do?? :)

    Anyhoo. Thanx. Good taste u have.

  3. tara, I love you jumping shots! How the heck do you get everything in focus?! Do you up the speed? I can never seem to get that shot sharp and it is driving me crazy. I figured it was time to ask the queen of jump shots herself…


  4. thank you everyone!

    shannon-the light was a challenge for me! it was JUST starting to get dark earlier and so i asked for an earlier meet time and it was a bit too early for my tastes, as far as the light goes. but it worked out and i ended up totally loving the light and colors on this shoot!

    julie-i dont do anything extra special actually-im usually on ISO 400 at the beach and i focus where i think the middle person will land in the air while they jump. i take about three jump shots to make sure i get a good one.

    emily s.-sweet. good luck with the babe.

    emily wb.-a lot of times with families they are cracking themselves up-and i play off the kids telling silly jokes and that makes the parents get going too. i think for that family shot in front of the rock i just simply said, okay now i want everyone to let loose with a crazy laugh! and they started out pretending and ended up giggling for real.

  5. You are amazing! Are any of these taken with your 17-40 f/4L? I’m looking trying to decide between that one and the 16-35 f/2.8L. I have tried the 16-35 and am trying to decide if it’s worth the extra $.

  6. i think you are absolutely amazing. the photos that you take are gorgeous. i was wondering though, all your clients look really really beautiful. i have gotten family photos done, but have always been unhappy with the way i look in them. true, some of that could be my insecurity ( and i am working on that ). i would just love to have my family jumping up like you shoot, but i doubt that would help :) just wondering if you have any hints or suggestions on poses or shots for people who are overweight, or want to camoflouge a flaw. thanks for always sharing.

  7. hi judy-
    i dont have any rote tricks that i use for someone who wants to hide a flaw, but one pretty popular one is to have the kids stand in front of whoever feels the most self conscious. ;) i am overweight myself so i am very understanding. and not all of my clients have the perfect figure. i SEE them with the perfect figure though-and so i shoot the way i see-and somehow, it works.

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