man i am a zombie today. the kids were late to school, i forgot book money for the book fair, and didnt have time to pack a lunch for nathan, who doesnt like to buy. to make it up to him i told him i would take everyone to get a shake after school.
and its raining. im happy. its all gray and drizzly.
listening to this today.
loudon wainwright III
grey in la
strange weirdos
ive decided im back in the weight loss game. no more regular soda. no more eating late at night. those are the two steps im taking beginning today. just felt like putting that out into the universe. you hear me universe? jeff is trying to motivate me to go to the gym with him. but i think thats pushing it just a tad.
i was totally totally inspired my my good friend christine, who came out from AZ this last week. she has lost 30 pounds since may and looks amazing. i always thought she looked amazing actually, even 30 pounds ago. but i am so proud of her and the willpower she has had. she likes coke like I LIKE COKE. she understands that need. and she stopped drinking it completely. i am so inspired by that. and she went down five sizes. and she just looks freakin HOT!
all of our crazy kids in my car on the way to christine’s favorite CA pizza place
Dude cutting soda out completely is the best thing ever I did that awhile back and I lost 10-15lbs. So I am with you no more soda!
I never drink regular soda, but I was hooked on any diet soda….until someone told me that the artificial sweetner in them might be causing my migraine headaches. Well that’s all it took. I haven’t had a diet soda in 4 weeks….and yes, the head is better !!! YOU CAN DO IT !!!
I’ll be your weight-loss buddy. I’ve got a good 50 lbs to lose and I’d like to lose about twenty of it before CHA in February.
You game?
good luck on the weight loss game. i’m right there with ya girl!
Dieting sucks, hands down. My husband and I recently participated in a ‘lets see who can lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks’ challenge. Neither of us made the 10 pounds… I managed to lose 8.5 pounds and he half of that. He couldn’t get off that bandwagon fast enough when the 2 weeks were up, and though I tried, I eventually surrendered too (and have gained that weight back). I think it’s so smart to start small. Though giving up your favorite beverage is never an easy task. I did manage to break away from Coke years ago- transitioning to diet Coke. I remember that feeling though. I would have rather stuck my head in a toilet than to give up that Coke. Good luck, Tara! I know you can do it.
I’m a zombie today too… I thought about going to the gym but sat at the computer instead. Good luck on dropping the coke. That’s a huge step, one I’m weaning my way toward by mixing diet and regular together when I eat out. :p I’m cheering for you with my half-diet half-regular in my hand! :)
Dieting here too…I still have a regualr soda every once and awhile, but not as often. The hard thing for me is giving up all my Starbucks drinks. SO BAD FOR ME. Lots of sugar and such. I’m shooting for 20 lbs. :)
oh…Christine is very inspiring and so gorgeous. Love seeing photos of her and you and all the kiddos together.
You crack me up with that song. Sick of blue skies….so funny. So lucky. Loving those baby Yindi cheeks, too!
“but i think thats pushing it just a tad” That cracked me up, T!
OK, youv’e inspired me. The soda I’m drinking right now will be my last for the day. Baby steps, right? Can I be soda-free by week’s end? We’ll see…..I’m favoring the weaning method like Shannon!
i LOVE coke. but if i could lose 30 lbs….i’d toss it all away. i’d be a bitch. but it would be worth it.
Go you, that is a great start! Me, I jumped on the exercise bandwagon last summer and lost 48 pounds so far. But I didn’t have to go far, my dh has a ‘gym’ in the basement. I don’t diet because, well- i like food! Exercise is{a good kind of} addictive and I can still eat the stuff I like. You might enjoy working out with your man, never thought I would but we have a lot of fun! Good luck, you can do it!
I’m bad at dieting , but I did do one major thing, I stopped drinking sodas, all I dring now is water thats it. You all sure do know how to have a fun day!
OMG, I think we need to start our own “Tara W. weightloss club”. I too am a cola addict (as I sit here sipping Coke from a 2L BOTTLE!). I think I’m going to pour it down the drain now…
So fun to see places I recognize in your local photos!
I switched from Coke to iced tea. I brew my own really strong, so I still get the caffiene kick without all the sugar & chemicals. It was hard at first, but now I don’t really miss it. Honest!
I read a cool article about artificial sweetners and how they are 200-600 sweeter than real sugar so our brains tell our bodies that they are going to get a lot of calories and of course artificial sweetners are 0 clories So, the body feels starved because it got no calories and it goes into starvation mode and holds on to every ounce of fat. So try to say no to diet sodas and all sodas if you can.
Good luck with the diet you will feel so much better :-)
I stopped drinking regular Dr. Pepper several years ago and I lost ten pounds, just like that. No exercise or anything. I just read that a semi vigorous 20 minute walk 5 days a week can take you down 15 pounds over a year. Little things do make a difference.
I know that drinking soda is bad, but why is it so dang yummy?? Sometimes you just NEED the carbonation. While seltzer water is better it’s just not the same without the sweet, and lovely corn syrup.
You will totally need to tell us your tips on quiting Coke.
Coke is my one hold out to lose weight (ok…not my ONLY one…but a major one). I feel like a pathetic junkie. I can give up other things with a small amount of angst, but real coke, and a real coke from McDonald’s…my demon. You go girl. Be my inspiration!!
Have you tried Coke Zero or Cherry Coke Zero? I haven’t had a regular Coke since these came out. Love them!
As for the rest, I’m right there with you. Dieting is so boring. I hate it. So I have to go to the gym instead because I love food.
Good luck!
well its 1pm and normally by now i would have had two cokes.
i just started feeling seriously sick to my stomach and got a huge headache. i have to wean off-i cant afford to feel sick.
i just drank a half a can and i already feel better. putting it back in the fridge.
I saw a good quote on this recently…about starting for what you want TODAY:
“A year from now you may wish that you had started today.” ~Karen Lamb
I’m trying to think that way about becoming a runner/jogger. In fact, I’m going to start today too. ;)
my dh was addicted to sodas, consuming many cans a day. he couldn’t make it through the day without them. but then he decided to go to medical school, and one of the side-effects that was especially pronounced in him was the diuretic effect of caffeine. he had to use the lavatory every-freakin-hour i swear! and as the MCAT exam loomed before him (an all-day exam that has a huge impact on your attractiveness as a candidate), he realized that there was no way he could make it through the exam if he drank soda. and if he just gave it up for that day, he’d have major headaches and withdrawal symptoms, and not be at his best during the test. so he made the decision to quit. he did it cold turkey one friday, so he’d have the weekend to be grumpy and suffer through the worst of it. he succeeded in giving up sodas, ROCKED the MCAT, and got accepted at every school he applied to (it was fun to tell “Hah-vahd” no thanks!)
as hard as it was for him to admit, because he loves the stuff, he was addicted. just like any crack or smoker is addicted. now he can get through a phonecall with me without saying “i gotta run” (to use the bathroom) and he’s not grumpy if he hasn’t had any.
needless to say, he doesn’t drink coffee or tea with caffeine either. just can’t afford to go there again in this field (“excuse me nurse, could you hold this clamp for a few minute while I run to the john and scrub back in?”)
btw, he’s in amazing shape now too! remember simple steps can make a big difference. for me, the best step was controlling portion size intentionally. instead of just pouring a whole bowl of whatever, or scooping pile after pile of XX onto my plate, i consciously THINK as i’m serving myself about how much i should eat. if i put it there, i’ll eat it. so i watch that, and it’s made a big difference. that and watching “supersizeme” and “fastfoodnation”…haven’t set foot in a greasy spoon since. Good luck!
i cut out regular coke/cut back on sweets and lost 10 pounds. now i am addicted to FRESCA. it doesn’t taste calorie free. i drink a few a day. it gets me through! try it :)
wean. that’s good tara. I went cold turkey and was so sick.
My drug of choice…diet dr. pepper.
I was so happy to see you in the pictures.
You are beautiful and happy and I know your children will be delighted with every picture of mommy they have!
Thanks for sharing.
I started dieting….again….one week ago.
I haven’t told anyone cause well….it’s like the millionth time…
But I lost four pounds in the first week and that is sweet….
and you can do it too, if you want to!
Looooooooove the action photos! And ehm … is getting everyone shakes part of the weight loss plan :-) ?
good for you tara!
it’s hard, but it will
be great for your health/future.
i NEED to lose 30lbs. myself and it’s so so hard! it’s chips for me and diet coke(which i believe stimulates hunger pains, at least it seems to make me starving when i have them!)…..i really HAVE to lose this, i have been saying it for the last 8 years! and i lose 10 and put it back on…..terrible for me!!!
thanks for motivating and putting it out there!
love the photos!
umm…..can i just say, i love you! i need a copy of the first and last pic. i don’t even remember you taking the one of the kids in the car, but i love it! that pic of us at the mall is much happiness!
tara, it is SO hard and don’t get down on yourself! if you need a positive word, please call me! i can’t imagine inspiring anyone! but i am happy to help. and….thanks for the awesome compliments! you SOOOOOOOO made my day!
those were such fun times with you guys. i can’t believe i am already back to normal life!
oh and margie, you always have such sweet things to say! thank you for that.
I wish you and all the other ladies all the best.
And I know how you all feel…I’ve got to move quite a few pounds myself.
You can do it!!!
Girl, I feel your pain!
On Aug 14th I took my last sip of coke.
This was the day that I started a pretty rigid diet plan.
To be accepted into this Dr. regulated program I had to agree to go off all caffeinated drinks (among other things)!! Gulp!
The nutritionist promised me that the symptoms of withdrawl would be over in 3-4 days. I was skeptical–but she was right.
For 3 days I was a beast–but after I felt great.
I spent the previous 4 weeks tourturing myself by trying to ween off the juice.
Those 4 weeks were more painful and prolonged than the 3 days of headaches and beastliness.
You can handle anything for 3 days.
I was entertaining in-laws during my 3 days of hell. Yes, I was nice–but inside I was simmering.
If I were to do this again I would probably set myself up for a no-fail 3 day detox fest.
My fest would include a child-free weekend full of fun with my lover.
At their tender young ages, the kids don’t need to see the cruel reality of withdrawl symptoms and my hubby needs to be there for support and to vent upon. Just being honest :)
Good luck with the changes.
The first steps are always the hardest but the most empowering.
Oh, and remember to drink tons of water–it helps with the headaches and facilitates the detox.
I am now a lemon and lime water junkie.
BTW–I have lost 40 lbs so far. I am going to be unrecognizable when you see me in a couple of months. :)
I think the cherry and vanilla diet cokes taste more like the real thing to me.
omg…that cute yindi again!! too much!!
good luck on the coke!! you can do it. and you’ll drop so much weight. it’ll be a great kick-start! my problem beverage is wine….i know it’s fattening, but i just can’t stop!!
Wow, looks like you got a lot of people’s attention with this one. I too LOVE Coke and I can’t stand diet coke. I need to lose a good 10-15 lbs. and just am working up the motivaiton to do it. I had gotten myself on a little diet a few months ago but fell off head-first. I have a couple of friends who went on Weight Watchers and look AMAZING now so it’s motivating me to do something. It’s all in my tummy and back too. Thanks for posting this. It’s giving me some incentive to try harder and put forth some effort.
thanks for all the support guys-nice to know im not alone in my addiction.
this week im going to deal with this-next week, cutting out some unhealthy carbs.
Best of luck with the weight loss!! I’ve tried over and over again…. but I just can’t seem to get my big “you know what” to the gym. AND I love anything sweet, so I’m pretty much a goner! :) Perhaps you can be my inspiration???
you can do it tara.. chris has been doing the no carb diet for a few weeks now and lost about 10ish pounds. and he’s still drinking coke. diet coke. daily.
Try going to weight watchers in your area. I have been going to an at work program and have lost 41 pounds (almost)effortlessly. Changes the way you think about food. No mindless eating…everything decision you make is another step in controlling your destination in life. You can have coke on WW…you must just be accountable for that coke. Have you ever been to a meeting before? I love this program. Good luck, soda is a good first step.
Hey tara, a shout out from Texas, and pretty much a lurker…. my bff from childhood and I are diet buddys so to speak…. I went to a dietician and found out my metabolic rate ect… and they evaluted my meals ect… long story short… I have lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks, EATING the foods I want. yes your soda included, (they have tiny 100 calorie cans!).. just BY COUNTING my number of calories that makes my personal engine run. So basically I get 1400 calories a day … any way I want to eat them!
You might want to try this! I have been totally enjoying what I want, just having about HALF of it.. Im not hungry, and I can eat all my favorite things!! Even went to vegas for a weekend and did not gain a pound!
Its the best NON diet I have ever been on. And just FYI to everyone out there.. one thing I just learned from the diet counselors is that every time you do a diet, and lose weight .. the reason you gain it back plus some is because you have RESET YOUR METABOLIC RATE by losing that weight in that way…. if you change your diet then and add more calories in, you are just swimming against the tide. So DONT DIET unless you mean to stay there!!!
GOod luck TARA! I hope you find out its easy to lose weight and still have yummy foods!
Just and FYI… I learned from a nutritionist AND The biggest Loser (my fave show) that anything with aspertame can INHIBIT weight loss. It stops you from losing weight. Go the and click on the blogs and go the the biggest loser (they have tons of good tips for average people to use) and “Jim” states it in his exit review thingy. Anywho, I had switched to crystal light… drank gallons of it and wondered why I wasn’t losing weight. Hmmmmm, see. There ya go. Good luck with the weight loss. I’d be with ya but I’m totally prego with my 2nd right now. Find out what it is TODAY!!! later
I hear you on the Coke. I cannot convert to Diet Coke or Coke Zero. It is not the same. I have limited myself to one per day, and then I try to drink iced tea (still need my caffeine!) with sweetener or Crystal Light pink lemonade. It’s the only CL I really like. Good luck. I have made some changes over the past month just like those. No eating at night. Really watching and cutting out my snacking—it is so hard b/c I love food but I can feel a difference in my clothes. I dont own a scale. Maybe santa can bring one :) Good luck.
Big motivation vibes coming your way for the diet thing. It is so dang hard. Do you think 14 years after a baby is too long to still call it baby fat? I may have to join you in your pursuit of lean limbs or find a new excuse!
Anyway, good luck!
Wow go Christine! How inspiring!
And you gotta love Ameci’s, the best Italian deal in OC! :D
You are just too cute!
I love coke and probably need to stop drinking it too :)
everytime I read your blog you are so real and I appreciate that.
would love to shoot with you if you are ever in San Diego :)
Oh good for you!! I decided that my new years resolution was to lose weight this year…cliche I know.
Anyways, I made it 3 weeks going to the gym but not so much dieting. I need to get back on track! Need a workout buddy? Sigh…
Whoa! Christine lost 30 pounds just by cutting out soda pop from her diet??? OMG, I’m a major Coke-cola addict and that might explain how I’ve doubled in size in six years! Wait. It could also be the no-exercise regimen, carb overload, and plenty of “vegging” sessions? Oh, but at least I still have all-access to 24 Hour Fitness nationwide! ;)