the other banner family

last night right before i fell asleep i realized i never shared THIS shoot-from THIS banner family! i wish i would have before i switched to a new one – sorry teresa! i just went out of order and then forgot who i’d posted and who i hadn’t!


we met up at cal poly pomona, which i loved. i had never been but its a great campus with a lot of fun things to use. if you have a college campus near you i’d suggest you try it-especially near the art department-we found the best stuff behind the art building! but the reason i was so happy to meet them here was that it meant something to them-dad had graduated from here and knew the campus like a tour guide-it was awesome!



great form!

found this behind the art department

and these cool lockers


i love the two of these




im starting to feel alive again-and so far, no flu for me-anna and jeff are still down for the count. this is day 6 for jeff and day 4 for anna………

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  1. love both your banner families & the way you’ve captured them!

    And thanks for the serious laughs in your sidebar. I had forgotten about jim as dwight–I laughed so hard (again!) that my cheeks hurt. “identity theft is not a joke!” :D -e

  2. What a beautiful family! LOVE the colors of the lockers…and the jumping photo is one of the best I’ve seen – looks like they’re jumping AND dancing (how can you not smile looking at that?!).

    Gorgeous – as all your work is!

  3. awwww! SIMPLY GORGEOUS! I knew they would look great and had been waiting ANXIOUSLY for this post!! You definitely captured Teresa’s (& family’s) personality…love them all!

  4. If you had even an inkling of an idea what your photos do to me, you’d be knocked down. I have meant to tell you how delicious your banners have been! You knock my socks off!!!!!

  5. I just love your “check it” section! Thanks for all the fun links. I had just watched “bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica” the day before you posted it. Too funny!
    Your photos, again, are just astounding. Thanks for being so generous to share each one.

  6. Hey Tara! Quick question about one of your lenses – I know you shoot with Canon, I with Nikon, but I am wanting to purchase a wide-angle lense – love the pictures on the Sept. 19 post. Can you give me any advice (I checked out the lenses you own – posted on your blog)…


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