its going around

the “eight things you dont know about me tag.”
ive been tagged many times in september and august and normally i dont do tags (no offense to those of you that do!) i have this unrelenting side of me that refuses to do anything even remotely similar to a chain letter. on principle. for the good of humanity. and no, it has absolutely nothing to do with the underwear chain letter of 1994…

but this tag thing has been unrelentless too. so we talked over coffee and decided that just this once, it wouldnt hurt anybody. no matter that i dont think there are eight things you dont already know about me (that i would write about HERE anyway)

but here goes:

1. i used to want to be a model. i was tall, and thin back in the day. which meant basketball player (uh, no) or model. (okay now we are talking) i took a runway class in eighth grade. (i wore polka dots to the finale-on.the.runway.) i went to john robert powers (or maybe it was that other one-the one that starts with a c. casanova? casablanca?) with my parents around the same time. but my big break came when i was in high school and the local newspaper photographer came to shoot a photo of the winning mock trial team. he pulled my mom aside after and told her i should model. that was such a huge boost to my self esteem back then. it felt good you know? nothing ever came of it-the only thing remotely close was during dress up and pose photo shoots with my best friend jalayne in high school. i should scan some of those puppies. also, unrelated but kind of related to my image on film – during a photography class in college, “self portrait” was the theme of our final. i took a photo of myself and then cut it into a ton of different pieces, pasting it together, overlapping and making my face abstract. i have to admit, it was a pretty picture of me. even abstract. the professor asked “who is that-thats not YOU.” “no, no-thats really me.” “THATS YOU?” in front of the whole class. thanks professor, so im photogenic but extremely disappointing in real life. lovely. (that is a really long number one)

2. one of my first homes was a trailer. im not embarassed. its funny now, that trailer park and white trash are such common slurs. but yep, that was me. age 3. age 5. i remember every detail of that home. it was 70’s hippy love and i was in the middle of it all. my best friend was a boy next door named taco. there was a lady up the hill that had a pet tiger. we had a dough boy. my dogs name was poopy.

3. i was bald until i was almost four. i used to wear hoodies on my head and not my body, and pretend to brush my hair. my cousin jennifer had long gorgeous brown hair. so i called it my jennifer hair. they called me bubble head. (and then, that stuck even after the hair grew in, for reasons unknown to me. could be related to the nickname my boss gave me at the preschool i worked at in college. thanksgiving week, we all had our own indian chief names. this was before PC was even coined a term. mine was chief walks with head in clouds. i dunno. not sure what they are trying to say.)

4. i went to eight different elementary schools. i was always the new kid. not fun. but it made me very open minded and adaptable.

5. i hate organized sports.

6. i believe in a spiritual world.

7. in third grade, i began voraciously reading all of vc andrews books. i will never like the color combination purple and red because of this. if you understand why, i think i love you. i had always loved to read but this is when it really took off, and never let up. i can read a book in a day, or less. and i would, everyday, if i could.

8. my closet is organized by color. i never really think about it, until someone new sees it and says shockingly “your clothes are organized by COLOR?!” i just think its pretty.

this is me, tonight, before putting the kids to bed-dancing in the bathroom door for anna. and that is her forehead.

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  1. I don’t know how to tell you this… but, I think we are soul mates!!! haha ;) Except my closet is type of shirt first then seperated into colors. You know we are crazy right?? And we are so doing the hippie shoot- just name the time/place :)


  2. Great facts actually.. I went to John Robert Powers too.. never had a modeling career.. but am still best friends with the girl. who was my teacher ( we both loved alternative music ) and learning how to be a bit more girlie was a postive thing at the time..

  3. I started reading VC Andrews in 3rd grade too! I read everyone of them over and over until my Dad finally had a look at one and then I wasn’t allowed to read them anymore (but that was in high school so it was TOO late) ;)

  4. I went to 12 elementary schools! Had the same effect on me, very open minded and adaptable…and a bit outgoing, otherwise how are you going to meet new friends every time you move. May be genetic too because my son (4) is the same and we haven’t moved that much. Loved the list, love your entries.

  5. so fun to read! love learning new things about you. Wish I could say I read those books too, but I ws always too busy drawing or something. My mom would take us to the library (this one had a play ground in the kids section… wierd, I kow…) and you couldnt get me to pick up a book even if you threw it at my head… I want to play on the play ground. What were they thinking anyways?!?!

  6. I went to seven different elementary schools, two in one year due to bussing (before your time, I think).

    I, too, lived in a trailer. It was in Lakeside and it used to be so trashy that a local band wrote a song about it. And while in that trailer I got a cat. Named Puppy.

    I wanted to do modeling as a kid because, way back then, people said I looked like Brooke Shields. Never mind that I was about four inches shorter and at least thirty pounds heavier. Go figure.

    And my closet is also by color.

    I think we were separated at birth.

  7. how fun to read all about you. You have great stories, and you write so vividly. I always love reading what you have to say. (and seeing your pictures). It pleases most of my senses all at once, now if only there were a recording of you singing in the background or something, ahh life would be complete.

  8. Wow, the whole modeling school thing brings back memories! I still have a cheesy glamour/headshot somewhere from New York West, who was going to make me a star. Along with every other girl from my high school. And purple + black will forever = VC Andrews in my mind. And my closet – also organized by color. Oh, and also…I got that underwear chain letter back in the 90s, and I totally broke the chain. If I’m mailing undies to anyone, it’s going to be George Clooney. :P

  9. See now…. your dog was named poopy, but that was MY nickname in highschool. So glad the name changed when I got married!! no more pooper scooper….poop…or poopy. ( If you forgot.. the maiden name was ). Cute for a dog, not for a curly headed adolescent!
    By the way.. you are so damn funny!
    I mean…Taco? trailer? dough boy? and modeling all in the same life time!!!!!??????? Unbelieveable man!!!!
    When is the autobiography going to be available in stores?!?! i will preorder..

  10. Devoured VC Andrews too. It think she singlehandedly crushed my childhood innocence, but it was oh so fun. And yep, one of my best friends was all about red and purple for awhile (even though Carrie hated those colors because they reminded her of the Attic). :)

  11. Thanks to Kim @ Creative Blogs I now in love with a photographer that lives ACROSS THE COUNTRY from me and that makes me sad because I so would love for you to shoot the H family. I’m the mom of the bunch! Anyway, I will be frequenting your lovely site and probably commenting once in a while once I stop jumping up and down on the bed with excitement over ANOTHER photo that is too-beautiful-and-soul-touching-to-be-true! Live strong and feel better soon!
    p.s. PLEASE drop me a line to tell me what brand your glasses are – I need new ones and yours are the same I’ve seen that I adore!!! Hopefully my eye-doc can special order them or something! thanks!!!!

  12. I had to comment on this one…too many similarities…
    1)was a model…even in Paris for a year. Tall, yes. Thin…used to be. :)
    2)didn’t live in a trailer, but my grandparents did. Does that count?
    3) I used to pretend I had braces — I had a silver bracelet that I would force into my mouth and try to talk. Charming.
    4) 7 elementary schools…always the new tall girl.
    5) definitely no organized sports.
    6) spiritual world yes, creation?? evolution.
    7) can’t remember what I read, but most photos of me young, I’m holding a book.
    8) my closet is organized by color too! (sub-organized sleeveless to longsleeve)

    Please tell me you had posters of Depeche Mode or Duran Duran and we’re almost a match!

  13. I totally understand the v.c. andrews marathon reading thing…that was so me, too! AND…I also organize my closet by color!!!

    Very cool to get this “new” picture of you!

  14. I am so laughing at the trailer story. I lived in a trailer until I was 4. I was such a 60’s love child that my birth certificte address says ’60 Southside Trailer Park’. My husband says I am white trash with papers. Damn straight.

  15. i am so glad to know I am not the only kid who put a sweatshirt on her head and pretended it was hair. except i really DID have hair, just not as long as my “sweatshirt hair”. my family still makes fun of me for that whenever we come across pictures of me with my “hair” (there are a few of them), so now i can tell them i’m not the only one – thanks tara!

  16. Apart from the modelling thing (I was always told I had child bearing hips-kinda true 4 kids later) you and me are soul mates! Really…right down to living in a trailer park, ‘cept in Aus they’re called caravan parks and my parents followed the fruit picking trail…new school every couple of weeks. And I too, read VC Andrews books…all of them, although I haven’t admitted that to anyone in a very long time.(I went on to study English lit at University). As for colour coordinating…doesn’t everyone do that? I used to hang the washing in different colour groups. And a spiritual world is what we all need. I had hair though…masses of it. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Oh how I smiled when I read this…..Boy did you take me back!! You definitly had to live through a crazy time with your Mom didn’t you? I shake my head when I think of what your enviroment was like and you turned out so amazing!! I want to think I had a part in the goodness of you even though I know times were not always easy. I never had to drag you kicking and screaming. You were a willing partner in that circle of lifetime. What a different time it was.What a different Mom I was?? Even though I was not that young we grew up together. You brought back a rush of memories that even though some painful I would not have wanted to grow up in a diffent time. It was a time to live before fear. It was a time of hope and change.It was also a little to free and irresponsible at times. All that peace love stuff….But what a wonderful dream. What a wonderful vision….
    In all my grandchildren I see bits of you. Flashes of you in their smiles,laughter and words. I have raised you to be open,loving,diverse and accepting. Who said the times of peace and love are over?? I see the reflection of the past in your soul. And I smile….
    And for the sake of sticking up for my poor dog called Poopie. His name was Brandy as a puppy. We lived in a house which of course was shared by lots of friends. The dog pooped EVERWHERE!! So everyone started calling him poopie. Unfortunatly The name stuck!! How morified I was to be at the beach calling for my dog…….
    Anyway….Thanks for the memories
    love you

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