friendly halloween reminder

if you are anything like me – you suddenly find yourself blustering around a week before halloween with not a costume in sight except for last years outgrown, overworn favorites.

this year i decided to be ahead of the game. (well, jeff reminded me of what usually happens and forced me to purchase now-online. thank god for jeff.)

so saturday we all piled around the computer and went here: brands online

the boys picked out this and this, anna wanted to be a “girl ninja” so this is what fit the bill, and mckenna, true to form picked this, her fourth or fifth boy themed costume.

they came yesterday-so fast! the kids were so thrilled and so am i-no last minute run to target only to find a disappointing selection and disappointed kids.

so procrastinating moms unite! gather the kids around the computer after homework is done or after dinner and pick out some costumes.

i checked something off my list before it was even ON THE LIST.

i think thats how jeff lives his whole life.

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  1. Great costumes!!! Our husbands must be thinking alike. Mine reminded me too to start ahead of time. I guess he really doesn’t enjoy all that screaming and yelling at the last minute…LOL How is everyone feeling? I hope everyone is doing much better!

  2. Already ahead of ya girl…Sarah wore hers to school last week for Reading in Schools dress as a character day, and Ruby’s should arrive today after I ordered it last week.

    We are Tinkerbelle and Ariel this year. Every time Ruby sees something with the Little Mermaid, she says, in her high pitched toddler talk, “That’s my Ariel costume!” So frigin’ cute! I hope she can walk in the thing…it hits the floor with the tail fins, lol.

    Heck, I’m even dressing up the dog this year. Haven’t found one for her yet though. She’s 67lbs, so a bit hard to pin down.

    I’m even taken care of too after I bought a really cool Halloween tee at Target yesterday. I’ve got an orange cardigan and some black flats with white pin dots on them to match!!! Come Oct. 1 I’m bedeviling the halls. I love Halloween!!!!

  3. this is a good reminder! My kids start thinking about halloween the day after the last halloween…but I haven’t acted yet and got their costumes. Need to take care of that! cute costumes! Farron wants to be a girl pirate, Gabby a girl vampire. :-)

  4. I thought that I was ahead of the curve last year, only to find that e-bayers of the world had bought up every Old Navy Pirate costume on the planet and were hawking them at a ridiculous mark-up. So we were a monkey, instead. Monkey was okay, but I’d been so in love with the pirate–it was the first thing that I could imagine my little boy doing that would make him a little boy instead of a jungle animal.

    This year, I bought my pirate costume the first day that I got the email that they were on sale. I think that they are all still there–probably not the “it” costume of the moment–but I’ve got mine and it is a daily temptation to pull it out of the closet and show it to little mister. But I know that he’ll freak out and wear it right out and that I’ll have to buy another before Halloween actually rolls around–though a thread-bare pirate would be more realistic . . . hmmm . . .

  5. Love those costumes! Your kids picked awesome ones.

    My almost 12 year old daughter is on the fence about trick or treating this year. She thinks it might be fun to stay home and hand out candy. Worst part? I’m really trying to convince her this would be the best idea on the planet. :P

  6. SO darling!!!

    I tell ya though…it’s so unfair for my kids. We live in Colorado and WITHOUT FAIL, EVERY year trick-o-treating is FREEZE your butt off cold!

    And every year they still want to be Tinkerbell…of which I remind them they MUST choose something that is WARM.

  7. I can’t wait for my 7 year old to get home from school to decide whether he wants to be obi wan or anekin… the 2.5 year old gets to be yoda.

    last year we made our costumes and went as the mythbusters…. thanks for the like tara!

  8. I am cracking up. I went to the site that you mentioned and just happened upon the adult costumes…..I HAVE NEVER ! Some of them are so funny. Just don’t have a little one nearby when you look, some of of the costumes are very “adult”…why does adult content always make me giggle>

  9. Oh my goodness, have you seen some of the pre-teen stuff – vinyl nurses uniforms, shorty police girly outfits – omg! Maybe in the US it’s all very innocent but it screams jail bait to me!
    For all that it’s a great site though, we have nothing that even vaguely compares in the UK; I rather fancy being a girly pirate or the long velvet cloaks are rather yum.

  10. We went to Target last week for something else of course. We left with Optimus Prime and Dora the Explorer for my son and daughter. My daughter tried to wear hers to sleep that night. Can’t wait to decorate the house this weekend! Happy Haunting!

  11. oooh!

    thank you so much for this post. i ordered the costumes right after i read your post. i had already done the research and made the decision but had not gotten around pulling the trigger.

    i will thank you again when i see people going crazy trying to find costumes on oct. 30th.

  12. I am so proud of you miss Tara!! Now you can start Christmas shopping, right Jeff??? lol

    Fun costumes, love McKenna’s choice, she’s such a sweetie. If only they made fun, reasonable costumes for a young pre-teen boy we’d be doing good.

    Don’t forget all, buy your candy early too before all you get is left over yuckiness ;)

  13. Oh come now. For the second year in a row, I have informed my children Halloween has been cancelled. LOL! I offer each of them $30 & a trip to Toys-R-Us. Didn’t work last year. Ain’t lookin’ so good for this year either. Hahaha! I can try, can’t I? :)

  14. My Boys were Mario Bros. last year too! It was awesome. They got so many compliments and we didn’t run into any others. I cheaped out though and made their costumes. Felt moustaches stayed on really well though with some great special FX face glue we got at the halloween store. You can see them here:
    Also on 2peas, one chick did a sweet layout of her son as Mario (search under Halloween).
    I love the McKenna wanting to be Buzz (I also made one of those a few years ago). That is just too cute of her.
    This year my oldest wants a store bought Optimus Prime costume, which i already got. the youngest wants to be Gingy from Shrek, and is willing to let me make that one. We’ll see how that turns out.
    Thanks for sharing. I’m sure they will have lots of fun and drive you nuts begging to wear them before halloween!

  15. Omg I made the mistake of doing this (gathering around the computer to order the costume)with my 3 year old forgetting I would have to explain that it has to be shipped and it takes time. I kid you not for 2 hours he kept checking the door wanting to know if Buzz (he choose the buzz costume too, we are not parents we are space rangers) brought his costume. The UPS man can not get here soon enough. So I would not recommended for children under 5 unless you have a very good explanation why you dont have the costume the minute you step away from the computer lol

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