the driveway is absent its turquoise, yet smelly little friend: the Porta Potty

or, how the view in my house changed in the span of four weeks.

from this


to this



and now this

(my office)

(mckennas new color and new fan in her new room)

this whole experience has been pretty painless. we surprise everyone when they ask us “so hows the remodel going?” and we actually say “GREAT!” the company we have worked with is Upright Contractors, and they arent asking me to do this, but if you are in the surrounding areas of orange county and you are looking to add space to your house-these are the guys to call. every single seperate contractor they sent to our house from prep to carpentry to electricity was totally cool, very accomodating, and sensitive to the fact that i had four kids running around. one of the carpenters even helped us when one of our other pieces of furniture broke. went and got supplies and fixed it for us. they showed up when they said they would, they cleaned up every day before they left, and they have finished ahead of schedule.

we are SO HAPPY with the house now. we still have to add floors and then we get to do my favorite part-decorate.

but first the floors. we are getting all new floors throughout the house. our carpet was just………well…….lets just say beyond repair. our dear darling anna was quite the scientist in her 2nd and 3rd years of life. everything from paint, stazon ink, and red gatorade has been spread into the fibers of our front room carpet. we wont miss it.

because our house is tiny as it is (1375 sq ft)-and my scrapbook stuff and office work area took up the front room of our house, we are now going to have so much more living space. the entire downtairs will now be just a big place to hang out and relax when people come over. and to help seperate the limbs and noggins in our house from bumping up against each other so much.

and for me to have my office space upstairs, out of sight from anyone who should happen to come to the front door is such a lucky thing. i feel so lucky.

and for sweet kenna to get her own room, and sweet anna to be able to sleep in her room again. (for the past six months, anna has slept on the floor of the boys room to give mckenna the space she needs) if mckenna has to share with anna, she (mckenna) cant get to sleep and ends up keeping everyone up. one of her little quirks that we deal with is how hard it is for her to sleep. so this is going to make it more comfortable for all of the kids i think.

and the boys, they pretend to feel a littel jipped, but come on, we all know they would come crying to mommy the first night they had to sleep alone.

and i seriously dig that about them.

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  1. Loving the banner.. your text always looks so effortless (and yet i am not sure it is..LOL) .. and the remodel is going so well. Look forward to seeing the decorations :) Nice to have a little more space! We have downsized. My studio is about 1/3 the space but now it is in its own room rather than the front of our house.. it can be more ME, I can make a mess, I can shut the door.. it def. has its advantages!

  2. hee hee.. that’s us.. Tara.. so excited.. can’t wait to see more.. and I totally understand.. we’re in an 888 sq ft home.. and we are bustin’ at the seams.. can’t wait to upgrade.. hahaha thanks for sharing.. : )

  3. The house looks really great.

    Have you ever seen that episode of The Wonder Years where Kevin and his brother Wayne finally get rooms of their own? They can’t wait, but when they are finally alone in their rooms they can’t get to sleep because they were so used to the other one being there. What you said about your sons made me think of that. :)

  4. Tara – thanks for posting the remodel pics. Can’t wait to see it all the way finished! As for living in a small space – though it can be difficult and frustrating – I think it is highly underrated. We spent 7 years with the five of us in 1050sf and one little tiny bathroom. There is just something special about having to get along with what you have. While we do live in a bigger house now (thank you idaho!) there are some things that I miss about our tiny house.

  5. That looks amazing! Thanks for posting the recommended contractors–we’ve been thinking about it but I’ve heard such nightmares about contractors–glad to hear one that is actually raved about! Congrats on your new space!

  6. Congrats on the new addition. You are gonna love it. I can’t imagine living in that small a space with 4 kids. We had 2200 sq ft ranch in Florida. Only 2 boys, a dog and we felt like we were crawling all over each other. This bit of breathing room will be great!

  7. The remodel looks awesome! I have totally been dreaming of doing exactly what you have done, just for an office though, no bedrooms. Did they have to put beams down to your first floor to support the floors? and if so . . . . are they obtrusive and how are you adjusting to not having the high ceilings anymore? (I think the tradeoff would be worth it, USE-ABLE space vs. not!) THANKS for sharing.

  8. Hey T, Just been thinkin about you and thought I’d check in! Looks like you’ve have a busy summer! LOVE the new space you added! I’ll bet you are LOVING it! I’ll be in town this weekend for my sister n laws wedding. Would love to see ya! Call me if you have a minute! Mar

  9. room looks great! love hearing wonderful contractor experiences. husband is a tile contractor and he is always getting comments like “wow,you are so clean and on time.” i am sure everyone will enjoy there new spaces!!!

  10. I know you must be so glad to get this all finished! It looks great!

    If you don’t mind, I’d LOVE to know the name of the color you used. We’re painting our entire downstairs and that green would be just perfect.

    Thanks! And I hope you have a wonderful trip to Mexico-


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