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  1. Tara,
    Do you share what kind of camera you use? Also, how do you get that black shadow in your corners. It is a cool effect. Is it a filter of some kind?
    I am just beginning to take photos…..
    I so much enjoy your work.

  2. christine hit the nail on the head….this shot looks like it’s straight out of a pottery barn kids catalogue…i can almost smell the sweetness & freshness…uhum.

    you are so awesome tara!

    btw…that swing looks so cool…wonder where i can get me one of those for my little monkey man.
    i know you’re so busy, but see if you can find out for me. thanks!
    – g

  3. I just found you. You are amazing. I am someone who runs from the camera, but I think that you would be the one that I would sit still for. If I ever have any extra funds, I would love for you to photograph me and my sweetie of 16 years. He’s the photgenic one. I have fallen in love with your blog. Best wishes to you.


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