lovin’ you and leavin’ you

back from seattle-met some really wonderful people and had a very nice quiet stay in the hotel, just me and my three books and silence.

was sooooooo excited to get home to my family-when i saw my car pull around the terminal i broke out into the hugest grin and couldnt wait to hug and smell everyone up. its the first thing i do, smell people when i hug them, everyone has their own scent and especially my family and friends, i love their special scents. i feel home when i smell them. its a weird mama bear instinct, surely i cant be the only one.

only took a couple of photos for myself while i was there, thank you patricia for getting me out and about on sunday so i could see the town!



today we are getting ready for our family vacation to one of our favorite places-mexico! i will be away from my computer and phone for a week. if anyone calls or emails me i will get back to you next week!

poolside pacificos, fish tacos, and the balcony overlooking the ocean-HERE! I! COME!

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  1. Have a wonderful time, just returned from a cruise to Cabo and Ensenada. Love to know where you guys stay when you go.
    P.S your not the only one who love the scent of her family:)

  2. i love people’s scents as well. you aren’t weird. and i love that you look forward to getting back to that. when i take the kids on vacation, adam will go and lie down in their beds and sniff away to get their scents. fun. have a super time in mexico.

  3. Yep..I do the ‘smellin’ thing too. LOVE my kids’ scents…they are so different. I even smell my hubby’s shirts when he leaves them lyin around the house…just to get a whiff when he’s gone :)
    Have a great vacation tara!

  4. Yep, I’m a smeller too. Funny, I thought I was the only one. Love to smell my kids at night when I tuck them in…love to smell them after a bath.

    Love your photos from your trip…your eye is truly amazing. Have fun down south!

  5. I’m a “smell” person too. Our family has a particular scent that I can smell the minute I walk into our house. And I remember going to my grandparents when I was little and there was always a particular smell associated with their house (not that “old person” smell – something calm and familiar about it).

    I LOVE Seattle. Glad you had a good time. But I’m horribly jealous of your upcoming trip to Mexico. Have fun!

  6. Definitely not the only one but you’re the fist I’ve heard say they think their family members have a distinct smell! :-) When my first was little I couldn’t get enough of his “smell”, would even sometimes smell his clothes! LOL! I definitely think it’s a mom/child thing…I love it!

  7. I *love* Archie McPhee! The store was about three blocks away from our apartment when we lived in Ballard. Where else can you get New Kids on the Block trading cards, Fizzies, and rubber chickens all in the same store? So great to see again.

  8. I smell everyone, too. It’s nice to know I’m not crazy. If I’ve been away from my kids for a while, it’s the first thing I do when I see ’em.

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