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  1. ACK! They get that big?!?! Did you blink?? That’s the problem right there – when we blink – they grow – rapidly. It’s good… and sad :)

    I am talking to you like I know you, when in fact I don’t, but I feel like I do, because I have been reading you forEVER! So, like I would do with a good friend.. I GOTTA SHARE THIS WITH YOU!

    My use to be youngest, till we started over, daughter showed it to me… hilarious!

    admiring you always,

  2. She will always be your baby. She will. She is just in a bigger body and knows more. She will always be the baby.. and always yours.

    Hope that helps, because I am very concerned about your focus if your fingers are in your ears.. could make for some different looking shots..LOL

  3. Oh my goodness Tara….Oh my goodness. I remember the first time I saw miss Anna. It was on twopeas…it was the ‘baby’ book you had out together of her (very…very cute by the way). She looks soooo grown up here and what a cutie pie I might add. My baby is 3 1/2….makes me super sad too! :(

  4. i SO feel your pain. my jenna is just a few months younger than anna and lately i have been walking around refusing to admit the fact that my baby girl. MY BABY GIRL!!! is now officially a kidlet. it is so hard to do this. why didn’t anyone warn me it would happen? WHY?

  5. Lalalala…Can’t hear you!!!!!!!!! That is exactly how I have been feeling this summer. My little baby girl turned four in June and all of a sudden I woke up and she had become this little girl – no more baby. How does that happen? Isn’t it supposed to be gradual so we can see it coming?!

  6. I was just going to say when I looked at that picture that she all of a sudden changed into a big girl. What happened? Did you give her growth pills? HA! She is a beautiful girl! My baby starts kindergaren this fall. Ahhh!!

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