they said:

waiting at a traffic light this morning anna opened her window and stuck her head out.
“mom! it smells like centipedes out there!”

sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch. nathan looks at me and serious as can be asks me out of the blue, “mom, can i be the ruler of the universe?” pause. “um no,” i said. “WHYYY?,” he whined. “duh. Because IM the ruler of the universe!”

went in to mckennas room to wake her up last week. she was under the covers. i pulled them down slowly to wake her up with a kiss and she opened her eyes wide, looked me in the eyes and said, “i dont want to be your monkeywrench.”

we have been addicted to guitar hero lately, drew kicks ass on medium. we were playing a multi-player pro face-off and he beat the pants off of me. he is such a good sport too. never one to rub it in my face he screamed, “YOU JUST GOT SERVED! WITH A PLATE OF FRIES!”

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  1. LOVE ‘kid talk’ too – LOL

    Recently in England…. Hubby was saying that my bestfriend from there was ‘very posh’ (she is, CFO of Glyndebourne Opera house !! … wait so am I, well I was till I came to America !! LOL) anywho…

    Hubby says, “well your Mom’s posh too really”

    Kenzie (10) then says, “What does posh mean Daddy. tipsy and drunk?”

    I snorted my beer right up my nose!!

    Alice the Brit, in sunny Florida

  2. You just got served with a plate of fries. I cannot wait to tell my husband that one. He’ll love it.

    My daughter is 11 and you should hear what she says. She wears a sleep mask every night when she goes to bed (she’s been doing this for years and it’s her version of a blankie). When I turned the lights off before she had it on she said “Why did you turn the lights off before I had the mask on? That was just strange and bewildering.”

    You got to love kids.

  3. oh Tara.. I was laughing.. laughing so much i had to share with my husband.. here I am sitting at the dining table (notebook and client orders sprawled instead of in my studio where i should be).. and I read them out.

    Which was fine for about 40 seconds… now my not quite 4 year old is playing trucks on the coffee table.. saying. Watch how fast my truck goes.. (gets to the end).. he won the fries! .. followed by… i can’t smell cents and peeds? (new word for him)…
    Mummy… is a monkey and a wrench going to be on handy manny soon? and my favorite

    truck beats car to the end of the coffee table.. did you see that daddy? the truck ruled the unionverse.

    *why oh why did I not just send him a link!*

    thanks for ALL the giggles.

  4. That is rad . . . I will definitely have to remember ” you just got served with a plate of fries” that totally brought a smile to my face!! Thanks for your awesome kid comments . . . I loved them!!

  5. I love the funny things kids say. AND, posting about them is sooo fun! I love to post about it so that I will always remember (cause you know I’ll sooo have my blog bound into books every so often via
    I’m not a scrapbooker like so many of you so I like to think of my blog as being a diary of our lives to always remember.
    Anyhow, thanks for sharing!

  6. Fantastic – love the “monkeywrench” comment!

    I had a good one yesterday too…I hear my three-year old, after going potty, say, Mom, I don’t have on any pants. Me – I see that. Him – I’m a naked boy. Me – Yes you are. Him – I like being a naked boy! Me – Hysterical laughter! You just gotta love what comes out of their mouths…at least most of the time. :-)

  7. I hope you are doing page(s) on these quotes! It’s something you will love to read over later when they are older! My son with autism said as we walked up to Old Faithful with my parents, “Oh look at the geezer!” I promptly took a picture of my parents (the self proclaimed geezers) by the geyser! We were all rolling with laughter. I don’t think he had a clue how funny that was! I can’t wait to scrap that! In the words of Art Linkletter….kids say the darndest things… AMEN! :)

  8. oh, I am so laughing at Mckenna’s comment..gotta love it when kids repeat what they here and repeat it in their own language…what a cute girl! I so needed that bit of laughter tonight.

  9. my bro, when he was younger was kicking a little girl and my mum caught him and told him off.
    She asked “why were you kicking alex?”
    he replied “I wasnt.”
    She said “Yes you were, I saw you”
    He said “No, I wasnt”
    She sad “Leigh, dont lie to me”
    He said “I wasnt kicking her. I was hitting her with my foot”

    LOVE the drama!

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