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  1. You will LOVE Seattle!!!
    It is in my top 2 cities… along with San Francisco.
    I would move there in a heart beat if I could.
    My brother and his family live there.
    It is SUCH a cool town…
    lots of fun, neat, unusual places to go there.
    Have fun… I am SO jealous you get to go! = )
    Can’t wait to see the “Tara Magic” hit Seatle!

  2. Oh, I so wish we could afford to just book it! Someday, when we have more than one little income, I’m determined to ask you to photograph our little family! Enjoy Seattle… It’s beautiful at this time of the year.

  3. You’ll love it! Seattle is great. I’m from up in that area. Now I live in California. You’ll love the weather in August too. :) Makin’ me homesick; this is the first summer we haven’t gone for a visit.

  4. you will LOOOOOOVE seattle! especially in august! Take a boat ride or a ferry ride if you can. It’s magical. My family is moving back next summer…hoping you’ll go back there at some point so we can have a shoot with you!

  5. Oh, SO wish it was in our budget at this time. We were just at Pike’s market last weekend. Great place for phots. If you get hungry check out the crepe place. The strawberry crepes are heavenly. If you get the chance to drive anywhere else, a cute little town 2 hours North called Lynden. Very cute, quaint Dutch town. I could even hook you up with a great BBQ dinner :O)

  6. I’m Seattle born and raised, and I know you’ll have a great time in our fine city.

    Be sure to block out some time to ride one of our huge old car ferries. You can do a round trip from the Downtown Seattle waterfront to Bainbridge Island in a little over an hour, and get some awesome shots of the city skyline, especially at sunset.

    Walk on, which is easy to do, and it’s only $6.70 round trip. Car and driver it’s $28.90.

    An idea for a photo shoot locale with lots of character is Gas Works Park. In addition to great views of downtown Seattle looking across Lake Union, there’s also tons of colorful old pipes and machinery for those funky “industrial” backdrops you love.

    I can think of a million other places you’d enjoy seeing/photographing. Contact me if you need more ideas or directions or links to anything.

    I’m sure this will be your first of many visits to Seattle.

  7. I agree. You will fall in love with Seattle. I grew up on the Puget Sound and have the best memories of my childhood there. I went back 5 years ago to do some consulting work and still loved it. It is just so green and vibrant. Lots more crowded then it was in the 80’s, but still easily one of my favorite places in this country. You’ll fit right in.

  8. my heart sank! i would beg for the spot to have you shoot me and my husband but he’s in the navy and stuck on a ship! is there anyway i could talk you into letting me take you to lunch or treat you to dinner? this rookie would love pick your brain!

  9. Curious…what do you charge for a photo shoot? I seriously LOVE your work. I like the natural, interesting shots you get.
    I’d enjoy having you shoot my family (because I notice a lack of “me” in my scrapbook pages) but will need to loose some lbs first! Unless you can make people look thin….I wouldnt doubt it – your photography talent is endless!!

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