
hey have you guys noticed i put a myspace link to the right?

yes. i got a myspace and added texting to my cell specifically to be in closer touch wtih my younger sisters. apparently EMAIL IS TOO HARD FOR THEM. and the phone? puh-lease.

its texting and myspace or nothing.

so here i go plodding along towards the future of our children. myspace and texting. what next i ask?

telepathy? what could be easier and more convenient than texting? telepathy is all im coming up with.

and girls, if you dont know what telepathy means dont you dare text me to ask.

ITS CALLED A DICTIONARY. look it up, as our mother used to say.

dont google it….dont you dare google it.

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  1. I hear you tara! My day job is working with our state education dept. I work in an area called smart classrooms and we are all about getting in touch with ‘digital learners’. We are trialling ipods/mp3 players and mobile phones in learning to try and reach them (with great success). I have 2 technology degrees and refuse to text.. hello – TALK to people! HATE text… but I am considered daggy at work!

  2. I love this…

    I never use my cell phone. Ever. I use it once in a while, but mostly it just sits in my purse dying. Needless to say, I’ve never sent a text message so I’d have no idea how to do that.

    I had to laugh about the dictionary thing…my daughter (11 years old) has a dictionary and whenever she comes across a word in a book she doesn’t know, we tell her to look it up. So most of the time when she reads she has her book on her lap and her dictionary right next to her. It works like a charm. :)

  3. You will be glad you’re on there when your children start having accounts.

    I’m almost 38, but got on board with myspace years ago so that I could get music info. It’s been good, though. I am “friends” with my teenage cousins and children of friends. I have found out some “interesting” things about them all…


  4. i loved this post, especially the go look it up part.

    i noticed your myspace link yesterday and checked it out-very cool. i figured it had been there for awhile and i had never noticed it. i just signed up for facebook, don’t have a clue how it works, or myspace. i have two young kids, i stay at home with them, i’m not quite 30 yet and somehow i feel ancient enough to say thing like, “this is what all the kids must be doing these days.” ugh.

    have fun with it :)

  5. I signed on to Myspace a year or so ago to be *hip* w/ my college niece. Then facebook was ONLY for college kids. Now it’s open to anyone & so I’m on there as well. I like facebook a LOT better than Myspace. I’m so hip w/ my niece she actually invited me to a couple college parties & ouch, I overdid it. I guess I can’t drink like I used to!! LOL

    Texting….don’t have that yet, I just can’t type fast w/ the phone!!!

  6. you are hysterical tara & so on with the whole teen thing. you completely defined communication with my 14 year old !!
    she’d probably flip if i told her that someone who’s blog i follow also has a myspace….shut up!

  7. im so gonna google it! lol jk jk

    but dont turn to facebook, you will forever be a trader and no longer welcome on myspace. bahaha

    ok jk again

    i forgot you got texting :)

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