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  1. I just read your prvious post and wanted to say that I join you in the cold, cold heart category. I am so glad I’m not alone! I like children’s laughter okay, but I also get overstimulated extremely easily (and I only have 2 kids). Listening to Enya’s music on my headphones loud enough to drown out the children and husband chaos helps (along with a nice long hot bath while drinking a glass of wine)!

  2. OMG, that’s wonderful! Ok, now I gotta find something fabulous for you to watch. I think we’re playing a game, lol. I dunno, that might have been better than the Fionn Regan video. I will blog it too, LOL! Btw, I never hit send on my storybook necklace…went back today and pretty much ALL of them were sold out. Hmm, wonder how that happened, lol!

  3. Hi Tara,

    I lurk here on your blog, but you’ve mentioned Pete Murray so I have to come out of hiding….oh my! what a man! Both my kids (aged 3 and 7) know all the words to ALL his songs as they have been subjected to them every time we get in the car or I when I play music in the house….he is my dream man and I adore his music!

    Megan xx

  4. I could have SO written that last post. My husband reduced me to tears when he listened to the ENTIRE album of the Travelling Willburys (I’m NOT a fan) at such a volume that I could not drown it out. And it kept waking up the baby!!! UGH. To do laundry in peace. It’s not much to ask!!!

  5. great, funny post!
    Some days I am right in there, the loudest of the bunch, and some days I just want to peel my skin off and hide from the comotion. I only have 2, but some days it feels like 10!

  6. I just downloaded that song! Tara, I’ve been a fan of your blog since I found it a year ago, but I don’t think I ever told you how awesome it is! Your work is really inspiring & so unique. I love all of it!

  7. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!! All the Aussie’s out there will understand! I want to know how they nabbed that fantastic sunset at the end of the clip!…Also….thanks to the links on the bottom of the clip – my hubby is now tinkering with his guitar, learning the cords……and singing FAR too high!!

  8. Ohh yeah Pete is awesome! Totaly in love with his music. I have to say that Tonic is my fav song by him. But then that’s maybe because my boyfriend ues to sing it too me – and was extra speical becasue we had only just gotten back together after been apart for 3 years :) hehe.

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