cold heart

as it happens every morning, when jeff and i get showered and dressed all of the kids seem to gravitate to our room and start messing around on our bed.

jeff puts music on the computer-loud and not my choice of song usually. so thats what starts the grating on my nerves. then once he gets out of the shower he gets dressed and starts playing with the kids. rough housing, tickling, throwing them around on the bed.

so i have obnoxious crap music blaring in my room and screaming giggling kids.

just so you are all aware, i get overstimulated really easily. so why does she have four kids you ask? well, i ask myself that question sometimes as well. but usually the only times i ask that question are when im overstimulated-so its just a vicious circle really.

for example-WHEN WE GET READY. all of us getting dressed, they are asking me questions, what do i wear, can you brush my hair, where are my glasses, can i wear this shirt with those pants, no? why not mom it matches! do this button, tie those shoes (oh how i hate tying shoes) not to mention the pain and agony i go through most days just trying to figure out what to put on this …… body of mine.

add to the mix-jeff. and his loud obnoxious music (wait did i already say that) and jeff. throwing around the kids in his own small version of WWF.

today i turned around and snapped “STOP IT!”

and they all kept on with their little games.

so i said again, “CUT IT OUT YOU GUYS!”

this got a bit of a reaction from anna, who ran over to my side.

so i walked over to jeff and punched him in the shoulder to get his attention, “DUDE-IF YOU WANT TO PLAY LIKE THAT THEY HAVE TWO BEDROOMS WITH PLENTY OF ROOM THAT ARE VOID OF A MOMMY GOING INSANE!”

to which he replies, “okay okay.”

he stops. walks up to me and hugs me.

“its too bad you just have a cold, cold heart that cant stand the sound of childrens laughter.”

the nerves melt away. i smile and we laugh.

and that is why i love him.

and they carry on.

Join the Conversation


  1. Ok, to match your sweet story…

    I’m the same way and I only have two. Bottom line, I’m not the fun parent…alot.

    Jsut last week a friend of mine wrote to me and said something about his wife being sweet. I sort of laughed to myself because that’s a word that’s never been used to describe me, well, ever.

    I know that about myself but was just curious as to what my own mate would say. So I asked Dave, “Honey, would you say sweet is a word you would or could use to describe me?” He paused a moment and said, “Sure.” I was skeptical, rightly so because he then said, “As a lemon…or a pit viper.” LOL.

    I laughed too. Aren’t hubbies great!

  2. Your husband sounds like a riot! I loved reading that inside peak into a morning at the Tara Whitney household. I get really over-stimulated too and now that I know it happens to other people I don’t feel like such a jerk face.

  3. ah, laughter cures it all, Tara. :o)

    i love that you reveal the ‘real’. life is such an adventure, isn’t it?

    my hubby is more like you – the overstimulated angst arena – and i often find myself saying things like Jeff said to you …. but i don’t put on obnoxious music. ;) i DO however get to that very last nerve with the utter chaos sometimes …

    keep smilin’ sistah – take a deep breath, and jump around with them when they do that again (and i know you do that already …. but it helps me when i am most irritated to just let go, so i thought i’d mention it – Oh, and change the music first! heehee) it’s a GREAT release.

  4. I think it’s the opposite here, in that the husband’s the one who gets this way. Not that I rouse up the children like he does, but lots of noise bothers him. Luckily, we also have such a relationship that we can joke and ease each other this way.

  5. thanks for the real honest glimpse into your home. i love that you are real tara……
    we all get that way sometimes.
    your husband is so sweet!

  6. Thanks for yet another glimpse into your home! Isn’t it great that even when you are frustrated – your hubbie can just make you laugh and feel better :) Gotta love ’em! Have a great weekend Tara!

  7. Tara,
    when this happens…take deep breaths and join the fun…because one day your house will be empty…I know right now you think that will be a good thing…but your heart will ache…the grown kids get so busy with their day to day lives, the phone calls are days or weeks apart…it gets lonely..and you want to hear the laughter so bad.

  8. If I were you I would of jumped in and got even with the noise and all the comotion. John would look at me funny but the kids and I would gang up on him. Done that before.

  9. I am the SAME way…it usually happens at night when two TV’s are going, lights are on all over the house and it’s way too bright, kids are getting louder and louder, dog is barking…too much noise and too much light and I feel like I need to run screaming from the house.

  10. Aah, see, I KNEW we were separated at birth! I, too, become overstimulated WAY too easily. Making me look like the mean old wicked witch of the Flynn House. Although, I must admit — I like Jeff’s response rather than the grumpy one I get from my hubby!! That’s just about when I tell the whole family that I’m running away to become a gypsy.

  11. Those are my morning as well! Sometimes it’s okay…other days I want to pack my bag and leave! You are lucky you have a husband that makes you laugh!

  12. You described my morning too :) DH is slowly, but surely corrupting our boys with his music taste – ugh!
    (My 4 year old turned on my i-pod, threw it down with disgust and declared – “yuk – mummy-music” :)

    and what is it about shoes??? Tying laces has to be *the* most annoying thing to do in the morning.

  13. my husband says “mommy just doesn’t like to have fun!” ACK!!! The nerve of some people:) I love to have fun but tickling and crazy rough house isn’t my idea of fun:) I completely understand!

  14. Ok – reading this I was thinking – oh my gosh – that’s me! I have 4 kids and a very wonderful, understanding hubby who puts up with my bouts of turning into the psycho mommy and yelling at everybody! I love my kids but there are times where I think – 4…what were we thinking?! off to enjoy my sweeties…

  15. You just described my evenings — ‘cept substitute 3 kids for 4 and insert me doing dinner dishes instead of getting dressed. Moments like those tick me off, yet I know they’re the ones the kids will treasure when they’re my age. Mommy’s got the cold heart at our house, but a secret smile at the sink!

  16. I am so with you. I have five kids six years and under…so I totally am with you on the over-stimulation not to mention trying to get everyone dressed and ready to leave the house!!!! I’m just glad I’m not the only one who snaps every now and then!!! :)

  17. I love your post! In my house I’m the “serious” one and my husband gets to be the “fun” parent… I was just curious to find out what kind of music Jeff was playing on the computer.

  18. hahaha. GO Jeff. I HATE that kind of roughhousing play..HATE IT. It is foreign to me as I didnt have it as a kid and I hate it… but you know.. the kids will remember it fondly! My husband does.

  19. I am SO not a morning person. I’m with you, girl,all that noise would send me postal! I know you love all of them, but do you have more than one bathroom? Maybe you could use the other one and let the kids and the hubby have all the fun they want while you retain a bit of sanity! LOL! I didn’t have but one child, but we always made sure everything that he was going to need the next morning was laid out beside his bed before he went to sleep each night. Since I’m a teacher, we had to be up and out very early each morning and simply couldn’t spend time looking for lost clothing items. He’s almost 24 now and still does this. At least I know he gets to work on time now!

  20. and that is why it is so obvious – even to those of us out here who have never met you or your family – that you and jeff are a match made in heaven.

    thanks for sharing such a great moment!

  21. all I can say is I feel your pain in everyway… sometimes I feel myself saying why are they driving me crazy they are just having fun… then I realize oh wait a minute… I forgot how to have fun… I guess old age and lots of kiddies do that too you…
    Thanks so much for sharing : )

  22. wow…totally sounds like me too. it is very reassuring to know that other women experience this too. thanks so much for sharing.
    btw, totally liking pete murray and fionn regan…thanks for sharing!

  23. I tend to get over-stimulated easily, too (which makes it easy to be understanding with my son on the autism spectrum)… BUT when my hubby is playing with the kids like that I force myself to tune it out (not always possible) because it’s nice just to not have them tugging at MY shirt for a minute. lol

  24. oh my goodness! this post was so funny and endearing that i had to read it out loud to my husband! thanks for sharing, now i think you should scrap it, just as you wrote it, with pics of the kids and jeff on your bed in the morning! thanks tara!

  25. Oh my when on earth did you sneak a peek in our house! And boy do I hope it was one of the few moments that it was at least tidy!

    Two girls and one husband can make enough noise to really grate on my “I don’t do mornings” nerves anyway add music to it and I would be a screaming mess!

    Oh I could so see my darling husband doing exactly the same thing then going right back onto grating on my nerves screeching and acting like a wild thing with the girls on our bed when I want a sleep in!

    I know he loves me anyway even when I am being as grumpy as a grumpy thing who is really really grumpy!

  26. Oh my gosh thank you so much for sharing this! I am so not a morning person and also get overstimulated very easily so mix the 2 and you get me frazzled. I am also thankful you posted this to help me keep things in my life in perspective. I am a fairly new mom and some days I just wonder what the years ahead will bring…hopefully lots of giggles and playing.

  27. HA!

    I didn’t know that there was a name for that. For going from okay to “get the hell out of here, NOW!”


    I get it. And I am not a morning person, so it makes it ever so much uglier.

    Thanks for making me feel normal, we are, aren’t we? Normal?

  28. This is the most wonderful story… so cute! So funny! And u got me all sobbing here. I get soo tired of my kids sometimes (yes it´s embarrasing to admit..) but after reading this I actually want a couple more of them.. It´s insane this motherhood thing!!

    Love reading your blog! Enjoy summer :o)

    Lene in Norway

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