WINNER IS………………………………

thanks everyone for playing. i will now expect 700+ comments on every post. oh no she di-unt!

i had one of the kids scroll up and down until i said stop and then i closed my eyes and pointed to…………….

Holey Cow!!! Are you really going to read all of these? I’ll say glue eraser!!!! I’m kind of messy!

Posted by: melissa | June 13, 2007 at 03:55 PM

melissa-reply here and ill email you back to get your info.

ps-sorry i am posting late-mckenna had a talent show and we all went out to dinner afterwards!

Join the Conversation


  1. Love your new banner. The banged up and bruised shins remind me of my kids’, and any other kid in the summertime. I think they have permanent bruises the first 5 years of their lives! The baby is sweet as can be, too!

  2. Just wanted to say congrats to Melissa.
    I laughed at the first comment{Annie), that “kids have bruises for the first five years of their lives”, my eldest is sixteen and still has bruised knees.
    And ditto everyone on your banner, soooo yummily cute.

  3. So today you will just have us die-hards reading again! Love the blog, love you, (don’t you find it kind of scary that someone that you don’t even know thinks that you, your family and your blog rock??!!??) and was so excited that you had a give-away! Maybe next time………..

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