one big sigh


on my mind.

some things i have been dealing with are catching up to me. april was a rough month for me health-wise and im still not back to myself. im behind with work. late for deadlines. spring is quickly turning into summer-it was 85 this weekend, after being a cool 70 for weeks. and that means kids home all day and less time for myself. i dont do so well with less time for myself.

i got to spend some time with some of my favorite people this weekend. the fam got the boot to grandmas house. we shopped and ate and in general layed about my house for three days. it was wonderful and relaxing and we laughed our asses off every five minutes. good therapy. not always easy to say goodbye. i feel an empty vacuum when they leave. im not sure how to fill it up this time.

those are my not quite so uplifting thoughts this monday morning. but here are some fun photos to share.



im a brunette again.


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  1. I really enjoy your blog. Your photography, your honesty…I really liked this post. So very relate-able. I hope that you feel better soon!

  2. Listen, take care of yourself!!! I’m so glad you were able to relax and have some fun this past weekend. It’s important to recharge ’cause if you don’t, it is burn-out city. You need to be healthy for the kids and life stuff, so take it easy, ok? :)

  3. Think of all that you give the world…. four beautiful children. a loving and supportive wife.. the joy bought to those via the magazine. the lives touched by your photography..those who receive them, those who are inspired by them, and those who use the inspiration to do better with their own clients… the friendships.. the people who are touched by you. no wonder you are feeling a lil down. Make sure you get some time that is just you – and then you might feel replenished before summer break.

    And if the internet can do anything for you… let us know.

  4. Sorry you aren’t feelin’ too great.
    Looks like you had some fun with the girls, that always helps the soul!!
    I hear ya on the weather thing… I am in Northern OC and it is 96 today! Eeeeek! I was totally lovin the 70 degree overcast days we were having. My dd stayed home on Fri with something… weather related I am sure… it also doesn’t help that she has really bad allergies.
    Your hair looks cute!
    I was a natural blonde…until I had kids and didn’t work outside all day. Now I have to pay for the sun’s highlights. I am contemplating a change… just not sure what I want to do yet…?

    Take care of yourself! : )

  5. I remember the worst advice anyone ever gave me, when I was at a low point. And so, as a wonderful gift, I shall give you the absolute worst set of comforting words………”at least you have your arms and legs.” This summer is going to be better than you expect.

  6. Tara~
    hang in there, four kiddos is your heart walking around the world x’s 4 add a hubby and all you do photography wise and whoa! I remember someone once told me pick two and do it well: referring to work/family/self. Hmm.. why so we think we can do everything simulataneously? NORMAL that you are overwhelmed lady, take it EASY on yourself, the two you pick don’t have to be forever, they can be moment by moment, day by day, week by week, you get the idea. So, thank the Grandparents and the Lord and give yourself a break ~ you are in prayers all over the world. Your health is VITAL… mental and physical: as someone creative (you) would say….
    JuSt Be GoOd (to you)
    sorry so long…

  7. the photos are fabulous… they reflect so much of you.. dont lose faith in you and your amazing talents… each time I visit your blog I am in AWW… I hope your cup is filled as I know that icky feeling… you fill many of our cups just through this blog — you are one amazing woman…
    blessings to you

  8. awww tara,
    glad you got to spend time
    with the girls. that’s always fun,
    it’s hard to come down off that “HIGH” sometimes.
    just remember to take some ME time and you will be the better mama for it!

  9. I am coming to California in June and would love to know the location of the Country Roads Antique & Garden…Can you give me a kinda location. We are flying into the Ontario airport. Thanks

  10. Awww Tara…being without your girlfriends close stinks..I’m a military spouse so there’s no one close that’s close..

    I hope the vacuum eases a bit over time..maybe they can come back soon..
    The pictures are fantastic..
    Take Care!

  11. Sometimes the ebb and flow really sucks the life out of you, doesn’t it? Take comfort in knowing that this too shall pass and you will eventually get caught up. When I am bummed out and feeling completely overwhelmed, I head to the shore. No husband, no kids…just me, my thoughts, some good tunes on my iPod and a bag for collecting sea glass. Works like a charm! Happy early Mother’s Day!

  12. I hope May goes more smoothly for you, Tara! You definitely needed and deserved that time with your girls. As always, the photos are amazing and truly inspiring.

  13. I’m so glad you got good friends to hang around with. Since moving to Canada, I can’t say I have a good friend to share coffee with and the only “me” time is two hours of badminton every Saturday with my neighbours and their friends. Good for you, Tara.

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