how we became we

jeff and i met on the playground.
i was in fourth grade.
he was in fifth grade.
i was digging holes in the dirt.
he was doing lord knows what.

i knew about him-his DAD was his TEACHER. and that was really cool. (i was NOT cool)
but you know, i was in fourth grade. i was on his sisters softball team. (i begged for the team to be called the purple unicorns but the blue dragons won out. whatever.)

then i moved away. onto another elementary school. and we didnt meet up again until 9th grade.
we were in drama together. a couple plays together.
i thought he was so cute. and he was taller than me. double bonus.
but i never thought he would like me. i thought he was too cute for me.
but we were friends, kind of. in that nervous flirty weird way.
then we both started mock trial.
and we got partnered up.
he was a lawyer and i was his witness. we had to practice together. a lot.
we started hanging out more with the team. i was a junior, he was a senior.

one day, after practice, he offered to give me a ride home. another girl on the team also asked for a ride home. as he was exiting the parking lot, he said “okay which way do i go?” the other girl said-if you are going to my house go left. i said, if you are going to my house go right.

he went left. so he could get me alone. i remember in that moment knowing something was going to happen.

he drove me home in his blue honda prelude. and dropped me off. NOTHING HAPPENED.
fifteen minutes later the phone rang. and it was him. and he asked me out on a date. it was my first date. i had just turned 16. we decided to go see home alone. when we hung up i screamed and jumped up and down on my bed.

thats when we began. we have been together ever since, minus a month or two due to stupidity.

we went to prom together. we moved away to college together. and at the end of our first year of college, we got pregnant together. with mckenna. i was 17. he was 19.

when those two lines turned blue in our apartment bathroom with me sitting on the toilet and him sitting in the bathtub…everything turned upside down and right side up all at once.

our parents were PISSED. we were so busted. but we all got through it somehow.

we moved back home. i turned 18. we got married. (in vegas at the chapel of the bells) jeff worked as the overnight security guard for our apartment complex, getting us free rent plus $400 a month. he went to a computer training school during the day. he got his first real job at the tender age of 21. his salary was $21k. we were rich.

then came drew when i was 20.
then came nathan when i was 23.
and then anna when i was 26.

4 apartments and 3 houses in 5 cities. 4 jobs and 8 cars.

15 years later and i look back at where we came from and what we have done to get here and it seems like a miracle. we went from teenagers who knew nothing and had nothing to adults who are doing what they always wanted. we are so lucky that we still work together. that we still need each other.

ive been with him half my life. only him. and i truly truly feel that we were destined for each other. it wouldnt and couldnt have happened any other way.

jeff and tara circa 1993

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  1. OMG…so sweet. I was shocked when I read that you got pregnant at 17. So that’s how you have 4 kids and look soooo young.

    I’m getting married in 6 months and I can only hope that in 15 years, I have an equally great story to tell.

  2. sniff sniff. that was such a cool story.. thanks for sharing. I am very glad for you to have such a good thing. :-) ps- those pictures! wow!

  3. reminds me somewhat of my husband and i. no one thought we would make it. everyone thought we were getting married after a few months of dating just because i was pregnant, but i wasn’t. we were just in love. and we still are..more so than ever!

  4. OMG!! That is soo awesome! I love stories like yours!! My husband and I dated right out of high school, but went our seperate ways for 12 years. I wonder sometimes how it would have been had we married back then because now I am married to my best friend. You guys just show that you CAN make it through the sticky times!!

    It is funny that you posted this blog today because last night I was telling my husband all about you. We are wanting to take a trip to California in the next couple of years and I was telling him how I want up a session with you when we do. I then started telling him about your blog and how it lifted my spirits so many days and also gave me great decorating tips. :)

  5. Wow. What an amazing story…I am sitting here still drinking it all in. Thank you so much for sharing it – the Universe always gives us what we need, although never in the manner we expect it…

  6. Thanks for sharing. My husband and I will have been married 41 years in the fall. How lucky I am and it’s been worth every up and down. We have two lovely daughters and three grandchildren! Enjoy every moment!

  7. oh i just loved this! read it to my husband. we’ve known each other since i was 15 and he was 17. we were married three days after i turned 21. it’s been three years and i couldn’t be happier. :)

  8. What a beautiful story! Made me happy to read that today.
    And the photo of you 2 is such a treasure, I absolutely love it! Anna looks SO much like your younger self. :)

  9. great story thanks for sharing. amazing how much drew looks like you and anna like jeff. nathan and mckenna are just a good combination of the both of you. It is so cool when high school sweethearts works. mine lasted for 12 years and 3 kids, oh well the kids and I ended up better off. congrats on being able to make it work for you, jeff and your kids!!

  10. Hi Tara,

    I’ve been reading your blog for a very long time. I am always touched by your stories. After reading your love story I just felt compelled to comment. I too, met my husband and fell in love in high school (1975) and we’ve been married for 27 years. I totally believe in love at first sight! It was so heartwarming to read your story that is so similar to mine. Now, as I watch my own teenagers experience the joy and heartbreak of love it makes me so aware of how real love can be at that tender age. Currently we are experiencing the heartbreak of love at our house and all of those raw feelings that go along with that. Thank you so much for sharing your story; it along with all the posted comments came on a day I really needed to be reminded that when it’s right -it’s right – no matter what!
    Thank you again,

  11. What a fantastic read!! You guys are meant to be! I love the bond you have, you can tell that you are like one, a super strong unit!!

    What you have is super special T! :-)

  12. hi tara!
    i always look at your blog!
    and when i saw this photo of you. i though oh my goods her youngest daughter looks so much like her!! it is like i’m seeing the older her.
    by the way, your blog is a real inspiration for me!!

    sarah from holland!

  13. OMG……….I´m sitting here with tears in my eyes…..I just LOOOOVE you guys from the bottom of my heart *sends a BILLION hugs and kisses*
    You guys can be so so lucky to have found each other and those feelings that you have for each other still going strong…WOW, you´re my heroes :))) We can see it in every picture you post and in every word you write about Jeff…and your family…you´re just helplessly in LOVE and this makes me soooooo unbelievably HAPPY for you Tara *hugs tight*

    LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the way from Germany and back….

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