anniversary shoot

kim contacted me to do a session while they were here on vacation celebrating their fifth anniversary. TOTALLY fun couple-we had so much in common. in fact, i had to stop our conversation at one point and remind all of us what we were there for! we could have talked for hours i think.

they are so in love and so happy. it was simple for me to capture their feelings for each other. we walked around huntington beach and found this bench behind a nail salon. i pulled it out and made them sit on it.


look at how adorable they are – i love this shot!


and a wide angle with the sun


time to frolick in the water!



bought this placemat at target over valentines day


and love the mood of this one-love it towards the end of my sessions when everyone *really* starts feeling comfortable.


thanks kim and john for a fun time and an easy shoot!

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  1. You have a gift. I mean that. To be able to take two people who are strangers to you and get close to them in a short amount of time and capture the pictures you do is nothing short of amazing.

    Hope you’re feeling better!

  2. I’m so excited – I’m on your blog!!! :) As I told you before – LOVE LOVE LOVE these! you are amazing! you rock Tara!!! Thank you for helping make our 5th anniversary trip even more special! :) Felt the same way about you and the photo shoot – such an awesome time! I loved it even more when hubbie told me that it was his favorite day! Take care and keep feeling better! Thank you again for these pics – and for what you do! Hugs!!!

  3. I love them. Especially number 2 how fun, and natural. They look like they have been together forever and you being able to capture that, is such a credit to you and your ability to make people feel so comfortable around you! Amazing!

  4. Tara, your photography is super excellent. Amazing. Perfecto. I’ve been lurking on your blog for a few months now, and I decided it was time to post some love ;-) Also, I know you are a busy, busy workin’ momma, but I would love to hear how you got your start in shooting wedding and engagement photos, particularly weddings. A photographer in my area (Houston, TX) has asked me to team up with her to start shooting weddings. I have been at the photography thing for about a year and a half now, she for two, and she’s had a biz for about 6 months, mostly shooting families and kids. Am I crazy to dive into this? I have a Digi Rebel XT, a handful of lenses, memory cards, batteries, know how to shoot in RAW and process in Photoshop, and have shot friends’ weddings with some success, although not as the hired photographer. Am I crazy to jump into this!!???? I would really value your opinion and anyone else’s who posts here who might have some substance to share. I know weddings area big deal, but we would be starting off verrry small and cater to clients who are having small, low-budget weddings. Thanks in advance. My email is

  5. Hey there,

    My husband has just suprised me with the Nikon D80….and it’s my first “big girl” SLR….and I am feeling alittle overwhelmed. I remember a one of your blog entries re: the Nikon D80. Do you have that in your archives? Would you mind directing me to it?

    Thanks a lot, Tara…and have a great weekend!

  6. the wide angle one with the sun
    for a sec i was like
    dude, tara’s name is on the building
    that is cool….oh….water mark
    these, as always
    are perfect

  7. you’ve been blogging everyday… sometimes twice a day and i’ve been loving it! i checked it like 15 times yesterday waiting for a new post. just wanted you to know that i love your blog. i can totally relate to your ups and downs and family/self/work balance battles. me too.

  8. Very nice shots :) Tara, which lens do you find yourself using most often with client shoots? I’m looking for a crisp lens with some flexibility. What lenses do you have? I am sure you’ve mentioned it on your blog in the past, but I can’t seem to find it. Thanks :) Oh! And do you ever use a circular polarizing filter or any filters at all? Just curious.


  9. Tara, I just love your photography. You capture the essence and intimacy of people. You do remarkable things with light and color. It’s always inspiriing to stop by and look at your photography.

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